Chapter 7

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Jisung woke up and whined softly, "Channie..?" he looked up at the alpha and saw that he was still sleeping. He sighed and pushed his head back into his chest, taking in his cinnamon/vanilla scent that he enjoyed so much.

Chan slowly woke up when he felt the omega push his head into his chest and hold onto him tightly. "Sungie? Are you ok? Are you in heat?" He asked in a groggy voice, getting slightly worried.

"No, I'm not. I'm just uncomfortable." He pouted then yelped when Chan moved. "Why'd you move?" he held onto Chan for dear life because he didn't want to be let go.

"You said you were uncomfortable so I moved to make you more comfortable." Chan pulled his baby squirrel onto his chest and held him there.

"I'm uncomfortable because my stomach hurts, but I like this position better." He smiled and pushed his head into Chan's neck where his scent gland was, smiling when the smell of cinnamon rolls got stronger. "You smell good."

"You've told me that every day this week. Minho's getting really jealous already. Why haven't you been close with him lately?" Chan asked and slightly rubbed the boy's stomach, now knowing it was in pain and that's what was making the poor boy uncomfortable.

"You smell better.. Plus, it's been kind of weird since I had my heat and.. Well... I don't know, it's just not the same as before." He sighed "I don't really know how to explain it.."

Chan gave him a sad smile "I know what you mean baby. That feeling will go away." he held him closer

Jisung whined, "Channie, I don't feel good.." He moved off of Chan and curled into himself "I'm hungry and nauseous at the same time"

"I'll have Changbin make you something." He reached over to the bedside table and texted Changbin, not knowing he was home yet.

Changaroo: Can you pick something up for Ji to eat? He's hungry and nauseous. I just want some food in his system

Binnie: I'm home. I'll make him some soup and then I have something I want him to do.

Changaroo: Oh, ok. I'll see you in a few minutes then. What do you want him to do?

Binnie: I'll tell you later. Can you bring Jisung down here?

Changaroo: Yeah. Be down in a few.

Chan put his phone down and stood up slowly, "come on Sung. Changbin wants us to go downstairs." He held his hand out for him to help him stand up.

He used Chan's hands to help him get up and hugged him, "you have to carry me though." He smiled innocently up at him.

Chan picked him up with ease and carried him downstairs. Jisung held onto him tightly and giggled the whole way, forgetting about his stomach.

Changbin had finished making him food and left it on the table. He turned to Chan with a plate, "you go eat this in the other room while I talk with Jisung, ok?"

Chan nodded and carefully put Jisung down in his chair and went to the living room to eat his food.

Changbin sat down with him and spoke to him softly, "Sungie you should eat while I talk, okay? But try not to choke and don't eat too fast."

Jisung nodded and started to slowly eat his soup, "What do you want to talk to me about? And why can't Chan be in here for it?" He pouted

"I just feel like you'd be more comfortable with just me here." Changbin took a deep breath and looked Jisung in his eyes, "Ji, I bought some pregnancy tests earlier after dropping Hyunjin off at work... I want you to take three of them... It might be nothing, but I want to make sure that it's nothing before taking you to the doctors or anything, okay baby? Can you do that for me?" Changbin placed his hand on Jisung's knee to try to comfort him a little.

Jisung just sighed and nodded, "I do want kids, but not this early in my life. I just hope that I'm sick and I'll be fine tomorrow morning. Where are the tests?" he started to get up.

"Finish eating and I'll put them in the bathroom right outside of your room, ok?" Changbin sat him back down and smiled then walked away to go get the tests for him. He only put three out for him and kept the other six hidden in his room where he knew no one would look.

Jisung finished his food pretty quickly and went upstairs. He took the tests and ended up taking another shower while waiting. He got out and put his clothes on and looked at the tests nervously, not daring to touch them.

Slowly, he picked up the first test. Positive.

He looked at the second test. Positive.

He looked at the last test. Positive.

He called Changbin into the bathroom, in full hysterics, tears rolling down his face faster than they ever had before. "Changbin.. All the tests are positive... I'm Pregnant..."


Thank you all so much for reading this! Almost 1K reads! I'm so proud of this book and seeing you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it makes me completely ecstatic! As I promised, here's the extra chapter for the week! I hope you enjoy it!


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