Chapter 5

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Jisung woke up later in bed, Minho still holding onto him like his life depended on it. He winced in slight pain as he was still in heat, but when he moved his ass definitely hurt which added to the pain. Minho woke up when he felt the small boy wince and placed his cool hand on Jisung's stomach, trying to help him cool down, even if it was just by the tiniest amount.

Words couldn't describe how much gratitude he had in his heart for Minho. He pushed into the older's touch and smiled when the pain faded into more of a dull feeling.

"How was your nap?" Minho asked in a husky sleeping voice which made Jisung blush and think about the events that happened merely an hour ago.

"It was good.. Can you rub my stomach while I eat the soup Seungmin made for me? There is no way I'm passing up an opportunity to eat a meal from Seungmin that was made just for me." Jisung smiled softly and sat up slowly with Minho's help.

"Of course. I'll get it for you because I'm not letting you get out of bed until you're done with this food. Especially not when you wince every time you make the slightest moves." Minho slowly got up, grabbed Jisung's, now cold, soup, and brought it back to him, "eat up baby. Then we can go and tell the boys about you presenting and they'll take even more care of you afterward, ok? I promise everything will be alright." Jisung nodded at Minho as he started to eat his food.

Minho did as Jisung told him and rubbed his flat stomach while he ate. He smiled at the small boy because of the way his cheeks puffed out whenever he took another bite. Jisung finished pretty quickly and put his bowl on his bedside table.

Minho helped Jisung get up and put his clothes on for him. He then got dressed and left Jisung sitting on the bed alone. He turned around and saw that it had been a bad idea to do that because the younger boy had been left in tears.

Minho quickly went over to him and cupped his cheek, wiping his tears away, "what's wrong baby? Is it your stomach?" He asked, getting concerned with how quickly the boy had started crying.

"What if they hate me?" He whimpered out in defeat. "I'm the only omega among us. I need all this extra work and extra attention that none of you have time to give me... I can even get pregnant, Minho! What happens if I get pregnant and we have to raise a baby? We don't have enough money for a baby. And then all the stuff I'll need when I go into heat so it doesn't feel as bad as it usually does and-" Jisung rambled as he listed off all of the 'bad things' that came with him being an omega until Minho shut him up.

"Jisung, baby. We've always wanted an omega because we want a baby. Of course, we're gonna wait a few years to have one, but it's what we've always wanted. You were our last hope of being able to have our own kids. Don't get me wrong, we can always adopt, but it's different when it's your own genetics being passed down into an amazing child. Jisung.. You're so much more important than you're letting yourself think you are. Don't let the bad thoughts get to you like this because it will just end with you in a puddle of your own tears when in reality you should end up in our arms with a baby in your own, happy that you could provide us with a special kind of happiness. And even though we love all the boys the same, we might secretly love you a little extra because you're our special boy, ok? So stop thinking bad about yourself and look for the good because that's all the boys and I see, ok?" Minho spoke sincerely from his heart and smiled at the boy that was left in more tears.

Jisung hugged Minho and cried softly. He didn't think he could be happier than he was about an hour and a half earlier, but he was proven wrong.

"Okay, Minho... Thank you for making me always feel loved no matter what. Now let's go tell our boyfriends that I'm an omega." He smiled and stood up with confidence. It was a slow stand because he was still in pain, but it was still filled with extreme confidence.

He and Minho walked out of the room and Minho practically carried him the whole way there. The other six boys were watching a movie on the couch. They all turned around at the new scent in the room. An omega.

Jisung looked down slowly and Hyunjin paused the movie. All the boys had their eyes on him and were waiting for him to speak.

"Guys... I'm an omega... I know that's probably not what you wanted and I'm sorry, but-" Jisung started to get into another rant.

Jeongin got up and tackled the older male into a hug, "Does this mean we can have kids?" he looked up at his hyung excitedly and smiled.

"I mean yeah, but-" Jisung tried getting a sentence out.

"YAY! BABIES!" Jeongin hugged Jisung tighter and pecked his cheeks all over, leaving Jisung a giggly mess.

All the others were still taking it in while Jeongin and Minho were fawning over the newfound omega. They were talking about how precious he was and how excited they were to have kids with him one day.

Soon all the others processed the new information and formed a group hug around Jisung, making him feel tinier than he was. Chan took in a deep breath, "You smell like Minho, did you-" Chan started as Jisung blushed.

Minho answered for him, "yes we did. Yes, I wore a condom. Yes, we slept afterward and yes he's still in pain. So be careful with him." Minho answered all the questions he was sure Chan would ask, then he added another, "And yes he ate his soup, Seungmin."

Jisung giggled softly and pulled Changbin to the couch, laying on top of him. "Binnie is strong." He poked his biceps softly and kept giggling, "His arms are nice to cuddle in." He felt himself feeling even tinier in Changbin's strong arms.

The rest of the boys sat on the couches and chairs in the room as they finished their movie. Jisung was surrounded by alphas and he was enjoying every moment of it. He felt like nothing bad could happen to him. Boy was he wrong.

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