Chapter 4

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*Smut this chapter* (there will be a warning before it starts)

Seungmin went back into the dining room and looked around at all the boys who were finishing up their food. He assumed that Chan or Minho would finish up first and went to the kitchen to make Jisung some soup.

Minho finished up first and went to the kitchen to wash his dishes. He saw Seungmin making soup and perked up a bit, "Is that for Jisung? Did he agree to eat? Who gets to give him the food?"

Seungmin smiled and poured some soup into a bowl for Jisung. "You do. He asked for an alpha. He didn't say which one though so I decided to just choose the first one that finished eating. Now hurry up before his soup gets cold." He placed the bowl of soup and spoon in his hands before pushing Minho towards Jisung's room.

Minho quickly walked towards Ji's room and knocked on the door, "Jisung? Seungmin told me you wanted to see an alpha...? He sent me with soup..." He waited for the smaller boy to answer.

Jisung never answered the door. All Minho could hear from where he was were soft whimpers and hard, jagged breathing. Minho reached forward and tried to open the door, and to his surprise, the door was open.

*smut warning*

The sight Minho walked into was one like no other and the air was laced with a thick omega scent. He could tell that now. Minho put the bowl of soup down on Jisung's desk and quickly looked at the date on his phone. The 16th of January. Just in time for his rut.

He looked back at the naked and sweaty Jisung laid on his bed, holding his thick cock in his hand, and Minho felt his hard-on bulging through his pants. He smirked down at Jisung and walked towards him slowly after locking the door again.

"So this is why you wanted an alpha, huh? Well, why didn't you tell us you were an omega? I'll help you, but you have to tell the boys after. And no more secrets, ok Ji?" Minho slightly teases but gets soft after remembering the boy had been suffering all night long.

"I p-promise I'll tell them. Just, please... help me," The small boy whimpered out as his hand moved faster, "p-please help!" He finally yelped out, the feeling in his abdomen getting stronger.

Minho quickly took his clothes off and pinned the smaller boy to his bed, taking in his intense smell. He smirked as the small boy whimpered and rolled his hips into the older needily.

"You're so needy baby~ It's so cute~ Good thing I'm getting my rut today. All I need to do is knot in you and you'll feel so much better. Do you want that baby boy?" Minho cooed softly in his ear.

Jisung nodded and pulled Minho closer, "Minho please just.. Ruin me already. Please. I can't take it!" he yelled loudly, finally reaching his limit.

Minho grabbed the condoms and lube that he knew Jisung had on his bedside table. He quickly slid the condom onto his shaft and shoved his fingers in front of Jisung's mouth, uttering the word "suck."

Jisung immediately did what he was told and sucked on his hyung's fingers, lubing them up. With his other hand, Minho poured lube all down Sung's shaft and rubbed it into his cock, stimulating it more. Finally, he pulled his fingers out of Jisung's mouth and pushed one slowly into his hole. He waited for Jisung to get used to the feeling and added another finger. He waited until Jisung was used to that too, then started stretching him out.

Minho moved his fingers slowly at first and then began picking up his pace. Jisung couldn't stop the moans that were coming from his mouth. Minho just smirked at the small boy and added another finger, stretching him even further. The action had hurt the smaller boy and he teared up, trying to push the older away.

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