Chapter 6

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A few weeks later, everything had been going smoothly for the boys. Jisung was happy and his mates' attention was almost always on him. He was happy as he could ever be. He usually slept with one of the other boys because he didn't ever want to be alone. The boys also wanted to make sure their small squirrel boyfriend was always comfortable and safe with them.

This night, in particular, he had been sleeping with Minho. The large alpha's arms were wrapped tightly around his boyfriend's small waist. The waist that Jisung had complained was getting too big lately. None of the other boys saw it and said he was going crazy. Jisung knew what he saw though.

It was around six in the morning when Jisung woke up to get ready for school. He took a quick shower, got dressed, and brushed his teeth in the bathroom. When he came back out, Minho was sitting up on the bed, pouting at the boy.

"Baby? Why are you pouting?" Jisung asked and giggled softly.

"You left me alone in the bed and it got cold." Minho crossed his arms and continued his pouting.

"I'm sorry baby, I have to get ready for school." Jisung smiled as he walked toward Minho, "but as soon as I get back we can cuddle." He leaned down and softly kissed Minho on the forehead.

Jisung smiled at Minho's cute reaction to the forehead kiss and went downstairs to where Seungmin was cooking for the five boys that still had to attend school. Jisung wasn't in the mood for Seungmin's food, surprisingly, and just ate a bowl of cereal.

Seungmin soon started making the bacon and as it sizzled in the frying pan, the scent was spread throughout the entire house. All the other boys had gotten up now at the smell of bacon. Jisung was soon surrounded by all the boys that wanted food. The poor boy was just trying to eat his cereal.

Jisung was struggling to ignore the scent of bacon that he now found rancid and made him sick to his stomach. He didn't think he would actually throw up so he slowly continued to eat. Soon he realized that wasn't going to happen, so he pushed his chair back and pushed through the crowd of alphas and betas around him. As soon as he was free from the boys he ran to the bathroom and started throwing up into the toilet.

Soon all the boys were crowded around the door, except for the squeamish Jeongin and Felix who stayed eating in the other room. All the boys were worried for him. He had gotten sick out of nowhere. Changbin, being the mother he was, made all the boys go back to the kitchen so he could take care of Jisung.

"Okay baby, I'm gonna take your temp and you're not going to school today, okay?" Changbin spoke in a soft but assertive voice.

Jisung whined loudly, "but I feel fin-" he started to say before he started puking again. He puked until he had nothing left inside of him to throw up.

Changbin gave him a stern look and grabbed the thermometer, "put this under your tongue." He instructed as he held up the end to Jisung's mouth.

When Jisung did as he was told, Changbin turned the thermometer on to show that the boy didn't have a fever, but he would still keep him home for the day to make sure he was okay. He pulled Jisung carefully off the ground and helped him back to his own room, to which Jisung whined.

"I don't wanna be home alone all day.." He teared up slightly and hid his face in his pillow.

Changbin looked down at the sick boy, filled with sadness when he saw how sad being alone made him. "I can stay home with you, ok baby? I'll make sure you eat and keep your temp at a normal level and give you all the cuddles you could ever ask for, ok? For now, I have to go finish making the boys breakfast and making sure they get to where they need to go, ok? I promise I'll be back as soon as I can." Changbin tried to comfort the small sick boy.

Jisung nodded and jumped slightly at the sudden commotion from downstairs, "Do you think they're fighting about who gets to stay with me, or who my favorite is and that's the one that gets to stay with me?" He giggled softly.

Changbin chuckled and started slowly walking away, "Both. Call me if you need me, ok Sungie? I'm right downstairs and I'll call up to you when I bring the boys to school." As soon as Jisung nodded, Changbin ran downstairs to stop the alphas from fighting about who was staying home with the sick boy. The job was already filled. Receiving the news about that made all the boys pout.

Chan then spoke up, "I should stay too. Just in case he's getting close to his heat again. I'm close to my rut soon anyway... I know he just had a heat, but when you first present your schedule is all messed up. I can help Changbin." He tried convincing Changbin to stay home alone with the sick boy.

Jisung started crying softly, hating the feeling of being alone. Chan heard and ran upstairs to him, forgetting about Changbin's answer, and instantly got into bed with him.

"It's okay Sungie. I'm here. I won't leave you. I'll call in sick to work too, just in case you're starting your heat again. I'll stay in bed with you when Changbin can't be in here and I'll make sure to keep you close and make you feel safe. Okay, baby? I promise I'll make you feel better." Chan spoke softly into his ear as he rubbed the boy's stomach and held him closer.

Jisung cuddled into Chan as he calmed down slowly. He hiccuped softly as his tears stopped flowing down his face as rapidly as they had been. Chan smiled softly and whispered sweet nothings into his ear, calming him further.

Minho walked into the room and was about to protest the oldest alpha staying alone with the boy further, but decided against it. He saw how happy Jisung looked in his arms, even though tears still covered his face. Minho knew Jisung needed an alpha at home and he couldn't miss work again or he would be fired.

He walked back to the kitchen and shook his head, "let him stay here. Jisung's calming down a bit and he needs him. So, who's riding in the car with me today?" Minho asked, changing the subject quickly.

Jeongin and Seungmin followed behind Minho, asking if Jisung was okay. Minho responded with a "he's fine" and started his car, waiting for two more of his boyfriends to get in the car.

Soon, Minho was in his car with Jeongin, Seungmin, and Felix. The three that weren't driving all had to go to school so it was easier to just keep them all in the same car, going to the same school.

Minho brought them to school then went to work and Changbin took Hyunjin to work. Changbin himself was a stay-at-home wolf so he could keep the house somewhat clean and be there if any emergency happened with any one of the boys.

While Changbin was on his way home, he decided that he would pick up some pregnancy tests. He didn't think Jisung was pregnant, but he wanted to be sure and be safe. He also bought extra just in case they needed some in the future.

When he reached home, he walked upstairs and poked his head into the room only to be met with the sleeping cuddling alpha and omega pair. The awake alpha smiled and let them be, to go clean the house.

Jisung and Chan slept peacefully. Little did Changbin know that the peacefulness would soon disappear into chaos.


Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading my story! This is only one of two chapters that I'll be putting up today because I feel bad for not posting one last week. So until the next chapter in a few hours when I get home from school,


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