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"i did it dad. i fell in love."


I slept over at the guy's place that night. It consisted of Taehyung and Hoseok disappearing for thirty minutes then returning with bags full of dog toys and treats for Winter. I gave permission to Winter for her to relax and play with the guys. Jimin was always next to me anyways so I wasn't afraid of falling into the darkness.

(I'm no expert of service dogs so please tell me if I'm incorrect about anything)

I'll admit it to myself and no one else, but while I was in rehab, I would watch videos of Jimin being a cute idiot to cheer myself up. He just has this, certain affect on people. He's so precious and makes you feel so protected and safe while you're around him. It was addicting. Jimin, Jimin is addicting.

When I wake up in the morning, I always wake up lonely. I'm alone in my bed when I wake up. There's this longing inside me for someone to be with me in the morning, to hold me when I wake up. I desire for someone to love. I just don't believe I'm lovable.

If I make BTS love me more, maybe one of them will fall in love with me. Maybe one of them could hold me when I wake up. God I hope it's Jimin. I love him.

Boys love food, right? So I decided to make breakfast for them. Winter was in luck because I found bacon in their freezer. She ate the treat happily on her new bed which she dragged into the kitchen so she could still watch over me. An absolute sweetheart.

My mind drifted away from love once I put on some piano music while I cooked. I swayed slowly to the melody, totally lost in the story.

"Elegy for the Artic, right?" Jimin appeared out of nowhere, a soft smile on his face while he sat on a stool on the other side of the countertop.

"That's correct." I nodded and flipped the eggs. "I'm surprised you know the title to a piano piece, Mr. Superstar."

"Well, ever since you left, I couldn't stop listening to piano music. It reminded me of you."

I felt a blush creep onto my face so I quickly turned around, making myself busy with a smoothie. But he was right there beside me again.

"Do you need help with anything?" His voice was so much deeper than I remembered. Oh, because it's so early in the morning. I froze, the strawberries falling to the ground.

"Shit." I bent down quickly to gather them up to throw them away. Jimin chuckled and crouched down across from me and gently took the strawberries from my hands and threw them away for me.

Winter nudged my hand, her puppy dog eyes glistening in the dim kitchen. I've never acted like this, she knows that. I kneeled down next to her and rubbed her ears, kissing her nose. "I'm okay Snowflake."

"Snowflake, that's adorable." Jimin was back again, his hand out to pull me up from the ground. I prayed my hands weren't as sweaty as I thought they were as I took his, my hand trembling slightly. "Are you cold?" My arm was shaking now, my teeth chattering quietly.


Jimin took off his sweatshirt, his shirt beneath it coming up with it. God his fucking abs-

"Here." He smiled and handed me the sweatshirt, tugging his shirt down with his other hand. "I'll turn on the fireplace." He walked away after I accepted the piece of clothing, turning on the fireplace like he promised. I shyly put on his sweatshirt.

Stop being such a love hungry fool and act normal.

"Thanks Jimin." I called out and started the mixer, the sound loud and annoying even though it was eight in the morning.

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