Kotlc Reacts To Highlighters

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Here we have just some random human things that the Keeper crew is going to react to, or at least how I imagine their reactions to be. All characters belong to Shannon Messenger, but the story-line is mine. Enjoy!

*Keeper crew are transported by unknown means to a dark room*

Polly/me: *from the darkness* Greetings,
Sophie Foster, Keefe Sencen, Dex Dizznee, Linh, Tam, Biana Vacker, Fitz Vacker, Marella Redek, and last but not least, Wylie Endal.

Sophie: Who are you? How do you know our names?!

Biana: Yeah, where are you hiding?

Keefe: Is there a reason why it's so dark?

Dex: Are you part of the Neverseen or the Black Swan?

Me: Uh, I'm Polly, I can't tell you how I know you yet, I'm part of the Black Swan at the moment, and I forgot to turn the lights back on. Sorry about that. *lights turn on, revealing a human airport lounge with Obscurers around us*

Marella: Yeah, how about being sorry about taking us to this place against our will? *glares at me and casually tosses a fireball between her hands as the rest of the group just as casually toys with a goblin throwing star from one of their hidden pockets*

Me: At the moment there's no need for violence, and Granite thought that y'all were working so hard that you needed a practical joke. Oh, and I need you guys to react to something so that I can go. *digs a blue highlighter out of her pocket and an article from the other and sets it on the table that magically appeared* Right, Keefe? *everyone turns and glares at Keefe*

Tam: *to Keefe* Why am I even surprised that you have something to do with this anymore?

Fitz (also to Keefe): Seriously, dude?

Keefe: *slowly shrinks away* uh, *points at highlighters* what are those?

Linh: Yeah, aren't we supposed to be reacting to those things?

Sophie: *facepalms* Those are highlighters. You-

Keefe: *gasp* You can use it to color your tongue! A/N Please do not actually do this. Don't color your tongue with a highlighter. Don't eat highlighters. Just don't. *grabs highlighter and tries to uncap it*

Dex: Wait, are you seriously trying to color your tongue?

Marella: Why would you color your tongue blue at all?
 *Biana Vanishes and wrestles highlighter from Keefe*

Keefe: Hey!

Wylie: Why am I even here?

Sophie: That's it. I'm done. *fishes home crystal out of pocket and leaps home*

Everyone else *shrugs and copies Sophie*

Keeper of the Lost Cities Reacts... And StuffWhere stories live. Discover now