Not an update... Sorry

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No, this isn't an update. Yes, an update will come soon, most likely this week. I'm thinking of making an actual fanfic in which it's a human au... how does that sound?
Anyways... comment which one(s) you ship!

-Marellinh (Marella x Linh)

-Lylie (Linh x Wylie)

-Tamella (Tam x Marella)

-Sokeefe (also add if you want to be part of the Sokeefe Army... if so then put on your bio that you're part of it and if anyone wants to join they need to ask me, NightReaderDayDreame , NikiOctoberAsh , Mistyfeather120 , or JustLovePackers06 to join) this is         Sophie x Keefe

-Sophitz (Sophie x Fitz)

-Brolina (Bronte x Alina

-Keralie (Kenric x Oralie

-Kam (Keefe x Tam)

-Ditz (Dex x Fitz)

-Tiana (Tam x Biana)

-Diana (Dex x Biana)

-Finh (Fitz x Linh)

-Fina (Fitz x Stina)

-Marina (Marella x Stina)

-Whatever Stina and Biana's ship name is

-Stina x Maruca

-Elwin and Livvy

-Sandor and Grizel

-Solinh (Sophie x Linh)

-Sophiana (Sophie x Biana)

-Liniana (Linh x Biana)

-Barella (Biana x Marella)

-Sarella (Sophie x Marella)

-Taphie (Tam x Sophie)

-Anything else... or nothing...

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