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It turns out that Jungkook and Jihyo have basically the same schedule. So they talked and bonded throughout the first few classes before lunch.

"Here, walk with me to lunch. I can show you where it is" Jungkook wanted to make sure that she didn't get lost.
"Thanks so much Jungkook! I feel like I wouldn't have been able to survive this first day with you."

"How come none of the other people from the complex are in your classes?" This was something that Jungkook was trying to figure out the whole time with Jihyo. He didn't understand why she was all by herself.

"Oh because they are all older than me."

"That would be horrible" Jungkook felt bad for her because she was left all on her own the first day of school.

"At least I found you! And you were nice enough to become my friend" Jihyo smiled.

"It's not a problem, you're awesome anyway" The two we're glad they were able to be close so fast. " Wait I wanted to ask you about that guy you were holding onto earlier?"

"You mean Hoseok?" Jihyo blushed "he's umm my boyfriend"

"Ha I knew it" Jungkook knew they looked to be in a relationship "he seemed to be protective over you. It was so cute"

Jihyo blushed again, "yeah he gets that way. One minute he's a ray of sunshine and the next he's shooting daggers at someone that looks at me wrong."

"That's adorable! But most of the other guys seemed protective too. Are you guys all close?"

"Yup we are all best friends. I think that's the reason why Jin's mom put us together to come to this school."

Jungkook made a confused face, starting to wonder more about the other boys "Jin's mom?"

"Yeah Jin's mom is kinda one of the people in charge at the Den" Jihyo explained, "wait sorry you probably don't know who Jin is. He's the one that kinda seemed timid. He had wide shoulders and dark hair."

"Ahhhhh" Jungkookvmade it seem like he understood but he was still confused, "sorry but what's the Den?"

"It's what everyone inside the complex calls the complex."

Jungkook didn't know that people inside had called it something different. The government had never talked about their life inside the complex.

As the two continued their wall to the lunch room, Jungkook asked another question. "Sorry if this is intrusive, but what are the other two boys name?"

"No not at all, their names are Yoongi and Taehyung. Yoongi was the one that seemed a little scary probably but once you are his friend he is a literal fluff ball. Taehyung was the one with the ashy blonde hair. He kinda likes to keep to himself with others because he doesn't trust easily but he's really sweet to all of his friends." Jihyo smiled thinking about her friends. She loved to talk about them because they were the best people in her life.

"Thanks Jihyo I just didn't want to listen to rumors and think wrong about them." Jungkook could see that her friends meant a lot to her and now he knows more about the guy, Taehyung, that seems familiar to him in same way. He still can't figure it out though.

As Jungkook gets out of his thoughts, he noticed that they reached the lunch room. "Looks like you're here. Do you want to sit with me and my friends? Jungkook asks.

"That is for the offer but this is the only time I get to see my friends." Jihyo smiles "and I get to see my boyfriend, I miss him a lot."

"Ok have a nice lunch. I'll see you in class" Jungkook waves to Jihyo as he walked to his friends table.

"Bye Jungkook"


"Jungkook, what the hell? You are already friends with one of them when I'm not!?" Jimin started at Jungkook expecting a quick answer.

"Jimin calm down. Jungkook hasn't even gotten his food out yet" Namjoon was done with Jimin overrating today.

"It's ok Joon" Jungkook laughed   " and yes I'm friends with Jihyo now. We have the same classes. She really great."

"You even know their names?!" Jimin was even more intrigued now. Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Ok what's the name of the one with the brown hair, he's kinda short, looks pissed all the time?"

Jungkook thought back to what Jihyo said about her friends, "Yoongi, I think"

"Well Yoongi is hot and I want him." Jimin said dreamily while looking over to the said boy across the room

"Well if he gets details I want some too." Namjoon declared,      " who's the with the wide shoulders? He's absolutely adorable. Did you see him hiding behind the others this morning? I just wanted to snatch him right up and hug the life out of him"

Jungkook and Jimin stared at Namjoon weirdly. "Joon I think your gay is showing "

"Shut the fuck up jimin. No one likes you."

"Well anyway, his name is Jin" Jungkook explained " apparently his mom is a big shot in the complex."

"Wait what about the other guys?" Jimin asks.

"The one with red hair is Hoseok, Jihyo boyfriend and the last one is Taehyung"

"Ah ok so some of the people around the school had their names right. I wonder if they are having troubl-"

Saying Taehyung's name made Jungkook think back to why he seem so damn familiar, drowning out what Jimin was talking about now. He looks to the table that Taehyung is sitting at and is startled to see that the said boy was already looking his way. But Jungkook didn't look away either. The two held the state both having a strange feeling in their chest until Jihyo noticed Jungkook looking their way and waved.
This broke Jungkook out of his trace and quickly waved back to her.

As he went to turn around to his own friends he caught Taehyung's eyes once more. Once he finally turned all the way the eyes that were following him looked away.


Don't worry taekook will meet soon, I promise.

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