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A few days later

Jungkook was sitting in lass waiting for it to start. He had noticed that Jihyo wasn't there yet. She would normally be there before he was.

The door opens and Jungkook thinks that it will be Jihyo and is excited to talk to her.

But it wasn't Jihyo at the door, it was Taehyung.

Jungkook starting panicking. Why was he here? Why does he look so attractive? And why was he walking right towards himself?

The last time the two had talked was when Taehyung thanked him for being friends with Jihyo and he was not prepared to have a conversation with his crush. Maybe he can sneak out before he gets to him.

"Hey Jungkook"

Well it's too late to run away now.

"Oh hi Taehyung" Jungkook said nervously.

"You can call me Tae. All my friends call me that."

Oh my God he told me I could call him Tae! And I'm a friend?!

As Jungkook was about to say something, Taehyung interrupted him. "Well I just wanted to let you know that Jihyo had some appointment this morning," he said while scratching his neck, "I just thought you would be worries or something."

Jungkook had still been in a daze from Taehyung calling him a friend, "oh thank you so much. I actually was wondering where she was."

"She should be back sometime later today though"

"Okay" Jungkook said smiling

Taehyung started looking anywhere but Jungkook. "I should probably head to class. I'll see you later"

"Yeah cya Tae" Jungkook blushed, calling him by his nickname.

Taehyung smiled and walked out of the classroom.

After Jungkook saw Taehyung leave the room he let out a sigh of relief. Ugh I'm so embarrassing


"So came he can into your class just to let you know why Jihyo wasn't there?"

"Yes Jimin" Jungkook said annoyingly.

"That's so cute!" Jimin was happy for him. Jungkook's crush was thinking about him. "There no way that he doesn't like you. Why would he think about telling you if he didn't?!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I don't know Jimin, I don't want to get my hopes up."

"Come on Jungkook, even I think that means he like you" Namjoon said while smiling, " and who knows maybe he's bad at expressing his feelings."

Jungkook rolled his eyes yet again, "ugh both of you shut up"

Just as Jimin was about to complain about Jungkook dis respecting them, a yell interrupted him.

"Jungkook! Over here!"

The three friends turned their heads towards the yell seeing Jihyo waving her hand to come over to her table with her friends.

"You guys should sit with us. I need to catch up with Jungkook since I wasn't here this morning" Jihyo said as the three arrived at their table. "Come here Jungkook, sit next to me."

As Jungkook saw that he was going to sit in-between Jihyo and Taehyung, he started having a mini mental breakdown but sat down none the less.
Jimin sat across from them and Namjoon sat next Jin.

When Namjoon sat down he immediately put his arm around Jin's waist causing the other to blush and hide his face in Namjoon's neck.

This caused everyone at the table to stare at them.

"What is going on?" Hoseok asked confused.

Namjoon smiled and Jin, looking towards the rest of the people at the table. "We are together now."

"What!" Jimin yelled, extremely confused "when and how did this happen?!"

"Yeah what the hell Jin?" Jihyo asked, "You didn't tell us about any of this."

"Sorry Jihyo but we wanted to keep it on the down low" Jin replied shyly.

Namjoon noticed this, "We started talking a while ago and then just started dating a yesterday."

"Wow congrats guys" Taehyung said while smiling.

Jungkook looked at him as he spoke, getting giddy seeing his boxy smile.

Taehyung caught Jungkook's stare and winked at him.

Oh my God. Oh my God.

Jungkook panicked and looked away trying to get back into the conversation at the table.

"You guys are you cute I can't get over it" Jimin said while smiling at the new couple, "if only I had someone to date."

Jimin hadn't notice the boy that had been sneaking glaces at him throughout the whole night, "While I'm here."

Now Jimin saw the boy and noticed that he was very attractive, he moves his attention towards him, "oh hi, what's your name?" He said while smiling sweetly.

The boy smirked, "The name's Yonngi." he said, reaching about his hand.

Jimin took his hand, "I'm Jimin."

Jihyo looked towards Hoseok, "I think everyone is going to have someone soon."


Hiii I didn't proof read this. I might later though.

Thanks for reading, it means the most <3

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