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Jungkook woke up the next morning with a sad smile.

Taehyung had left that night after their friends did because he needed the darkness to hide himself.

Jungkook rolled over to the side Taehyung had slept on the night before and inhaled a breath. It still had the lingering smell of his boyfriend.

Soon he got out of bed to go take a shower. He wasn't sure when his parents were going to be home so he planned on cleaning to make sure the house was tidy.

After Jungkook's quick shower he threw on some comfy clothes and walked down the stairs.

He started cleaning up the kitchen first. Putting the clean dishes away and the dirty ones in the dishwasher.

A few minutes later he heard the door open.

"Jungkook?" He heard his mom call. "We're home!"

"In here mom!" Jungkook replied.

His mom made her way into the kitchen and smiled when she saw her son cleaning up. "Wow you've grown up so much. I didn't even need to tell you to do the dishes."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and didn't answer.

His dad had gone to the living room and already turned on the game he had been waiting to watch.

Since his parents were home, Jungkook didn't see a point in trying to clean the rest of the house. They have already seen the places that he and his friends were in.

"I'm going to go up to my room." Jungkook said while making his way to the stairs.

"Jungkook. Come in here." He suddenly got worried. His dad had sounded stern when he called to him.

Jungkook walked slowly into the living room, suddenly really nervous. "Yes dad?"

His dad moved his eyes to Jungkook and he could see the anger these them. "Come sit next to me son."

Oh God this can't be good.

Jungkook wearily sat next to his dad. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I don't know Jungkook. Did you?" He dad said while staring intently at Jungkook.

Jungkook was scared. Normally his dad would already blow up at him by this point. He didn't know what his dad was angry about.

He watched as his dad reached behind to grab something off of the side table. A small square paper like thing appear.

Jungkook looked at it confused.

"Well? Do you have something to tell me?"

Then it hit him.

Fuck. The Polaroid.

Jungkook's eyes went wide. He didn't know what to say. He knew his dad would get even more angered by his answers so he stayed quiet.

"Jungkook. Can you explain to me why there is a picture of those aliens in our home?!" He dad gradually got louder. "And not to mention, you're sitting in one of their laps?!"

Jungkook was frozen. He didn't think his dad would ever find out about Taehyung. He thought they were being really careful.

His dad was about to answer when Jungkook's mom walked in. "Is everything alright in here?"

"No everything is not alright!" Jungkook's dad yelled. "Our son has had aliens in this home. He is a slut for one of them too."

His mom gasped not expecting those harsh words to come out of her husbands mouth.

Jungkook went red with anger. He was not scared anymore. He was beyond mad.

"Well Dad, if you think I'm a slut for him then that's great! But I love him. I love him with my whole heart and I will not let you trash me or our relationship like that!"

"Relationship!? You think I would ever allow you to have a relationship with an alien?!" His dad answered fueled with even more anger. "You will never see him again and I will make sure of that."

Jungkook was seething. "You can't control me! I may be your son but you cannot control every single part of my life!"

Jungkook's mom came out of her shocked state and tried to calm the two down. "Okay the two of you need to stop yelling at each other."

Jungkook huffed and crossed his arms over his chest but stayed quiet while keeping angry eyes on his dad

"Now, Jungkook you go up to your room." His mom said calmly. "Your dad and I are going to have a conversation about this."

Jungkook took his eyes away from his dad and gave his mom a small smile when he saw her giving him an encouraging look.

He then made his way to his room, shutting the door and flopping onto his bed. Only then did he start crying, the situation finally hitting him.

Did my dad just call me a slut?
I wish Taehyung was here or will I ever see him again?

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