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*Alexa play 'Dont Start Now' by Dua Lipa*

Dear Diary,

      I. AM. STRESSED.

And sad. I haven't posted a yt video in 3 weeks and I need money. It would be a problem if I could figure out a video idea but.. I can't. Usually if I needed some ideas I would call Elias but ever since yesterday we haven't talked. In fact I haven't even seen them since yesterday because right after our petty fight I got my stuff and left. I'm not supposed to be home tho. It's too unsafe. I cam already hear fans outside and it's only like 11am. I just wish I would get a call from them or something. I already miss them badly.


I need a video idea! Everything is so stupid! I can't do anything alone omf! A lot of people want an explanation video or a playlist review but I'm not ready to talk about this situation and doing a playlist review by yourself is just.. sad.

You know what.. ima go on a shopping spree.



I get up from my bed again and get ready for the day. I already ate breakfast so I'm just gonna take a shower and change.

I take a shower, brush my teeth, wash my face and all that. I fix my hair and do my makeup. I didn't want to put in too much but I have SERIOUS under eye baggage.

After that I put on my clothes and grab everything u need including my fully charged camera with an extra sd card, battery, and a try pod.

I grab my purse keys and phone and head out.

I always hate going to my car because there always someone watching but whatever.

I get in the care and turn it on.

"Were should I go..." I say to myself as I begin to prop the camera on the dashboard.

"The. MAAaLllllLlll!" I say out loud as I turn the camera on and fix my hair.

"I'm alive." I simply say to the camera before shifting the gear and backing out. (The gate opens and the fans move and start to walk away)

"Sooo...." I say thinking of what I'm gonna say as I start to drive to the mall.

"I've been gone for a while... as in a while I'm mean like 3 weeks." I say laughing.

"But I mean I've been busy and I've been on tour as you guys should know. You know... I.. I just don't have the time.." I say as I stop at a red light.

"I really wanted to post but connection is ass and it would take me an eternity to post so yeah." I say waiting for the light.

There's a long pause before I continue talking. "Uhh.. sooo.. let's go on a shopping spree!" I yell out as the light turns green.

"Your probably wondering.. 'why is Natalie going on a shopping spree, she would have everything she wants, there's no point of this..' well guess what.. there is." I say. "I've been in tour with my family as y'all know. And I didn't get any smaller to be honest. I grew one size bigger in my bra and panties and... I feel fat!" I laugh out load.

"But either way I'm really bored and I wanna go shopping so yeeeahhhh..." I say before turning into the mall.

I park the car in the parking garage.

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