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*Alexa play 'Good Form' by Nicki Minaj (feat. Lil Wayne)*

*Natalies pov*

"We're are they.." I say to mayself quietly as I put my phone down. I know they may have gotten a little distracted but damn. I'm just gonna go and probably finger myself or something. Cus.. I'm getting kinda horny to be honest. Like shit.

I put shorts under my dress cus I'm not risking anyone else seeing my goodie. I lay my back on my bed and slide off my shorts and thong. Then, I just started. It feels really good too. Then I hear a knock on the door RIGHT in the MIDDLE of my little session. I quickly put on my underwear but I then I heard the door open.

"Shit!" I whisper yell as I look at my hand and my shorts on the floor. I kick my shorts under the bed and suck on my fingers and sit on the bed. Maybe if I sit in a seductive way they'll think I'm joking. So I do exactly that.

I hear multiple footsteps coming towards my room. Then I hear them stop at my door. I assume Justin knocks. "Natalie?" I hear him ask.

"Come in.." I say seductively. I see him hesitantly open the door and I see Makaylas short ass head pop in next to him.

"Like what you see?" I say seductively sucking my fingers more.

"Oh my gosh." Justin says as he turns around to walk away.

"Ohohoh.. this is what I'd like to see.. lemme lick them fingers baby." Makayla jokingly says making me laugh.

"Not to intrude on this love affair but we actually gotta go." I hear Justin say from outside the door.

"Ok..BOSS" I respond getting up and getting my bag and stuff. By now all on my stuffFf is off my fingers so I just walk out. I get my keys and we all walk out and lock the doors. We get in my car and I pull out of my driveway. Justin let the girls sit in the front so he's lownlwy.

"Y'all wanna know something?..." I ask them.


"I'm not wearing any paNtIEs." I say playfully while I giggle.

"Your not!" Makayla says.
"Oh my lord Natalie!" Justin says.

Damn gurl you really out here.. shhii.. I see you." She says as she rests he hand on my thigh. I honestly shivered a little cus she put her hand real close to my  goodies. I could tell Justin's a little uncomfortable cus he went silent.

Then before you know it, her hand gets closer and closer until she's practically touching my vagina. I hear Justin make a loud sigh. He always does that when he's getting pissed of or he's mad. But I guess she really doesn't care. She keeps going. She keeps going until she's grabbing in my thong. Even though I like the thought of were this is going, even though I'm not really lesbian. I just can't let it happen. She has a whole family and everything.

I shift around in my seat but I think I just made things worse cus now Justin is tapping on the seat he's sitting in. It's another habitat of his that he has. I look over at Makayla and she's just in her phone chilling. She kept her hand there so I just let her. It gets a little awkward with the silence so I turn on the radio and of course.. out of all the songs that have to play.. it's a sexual one.

"I love with song." I say as I turn it up a little.

I don't say anything but I can see her smirk a little but it's wiped away when she focuses back on her phone. I look up in the mirror and see Justin sitting there on his phone. He looks annoyed but I ignore him.

The musics bass starts to hit and makes me feel a certain type of way. I look over at Makayla and see her scrolling on instagram. Then I feel her stick one of her fingers in the thong. She then rubs that finger over my clit and it makes me moan a little at how unexpected that was.

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