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*Alexa play 'LOVE' by Kendrick Lamar*

Billies pov

"Oh my god you play to damn much!" I say laughing out loud.

"Ohoh well you still like me sooo?!" Brandon says playfully as he hovers over me yet bending down at the same time. I love it here. After the we decided we wanted to be together again after my last show, everyone went you there own houses and it was like that till the second day after tour. I got my shit and left that house. So now I'm staying with q for a little. I just wanna be around him all the time so that's what we're doing.

"Ehuhh" I tease out as I take a couple of steps back.

Brandon follows me and walked behind me.
"You know I love you right." I hear him sneak up and whisper in my ear.

"Umhm" I hum out as he holds my waist in his arms.

"Seriously." He says liking me in the eyes.

"Yeah. I live you too." I say. I lift my head up a little to kiss him on the lips. He kisses me back and the kiss started to get a little heated cus we started using tongue. I turned around to make things easier and he started kissing me down my neck. Then all of a sudden there was a knock on the door.

"Oh I think, that's for , me!" I say excitedly as I let go and walk to the door. Yesterday Natalie, Claudia, Zoe, drew, Noah and I agreed to have a little girls day so we rented out a hotel room for the night and we had fun. Anyways, we all agreed that we wanted things to be a little spicier in the bedroom with our boyfriends. So they decided to go lingerie shopping. I couldn't go though cus if one of my bitch ass "fans" sees me it'll be everywhere, so I told them to get me something that screams 'Billie Eilish is a top' type vibes. After a while I just left the hotel to go to Brandon's for multiple reasons. Plus I didn't want to have cyber sex, I wanted him. But shit, lemme get out of my head.

I look through his peep hole in the door and I indeed see Natalie with a gift box in her hand. I chuckle to myself and open the door.

"Hey!!" Natalie says as she hands me the box.
I give her one of those looks and she nods her head. I turn around so that I'm facing Brandon who's standing inside.

"Hey q." Natalie says waving at him and he waves back. I look at the box and swipe my free hand on it.

"Open it!" She says impatiently. I look at her and look back at the box and then I open it.

"Ohohoh wait, broo!" I exclaim and bite my lip.
"Damn ok, shit, shheeshh!" I say looking at my sister and giving her another one of those looks.

"I'll leave you two alone," she says as she starts to back away. "Oh and don't get pregnant!" She shouts as she starts to skip backwards.

"Fuck you!" I shout back and we all laugh.

"Haha, love you sis!" She yells and blows me a kiss.

"Bye love you too!" I blow her a kiss back and close the door, locking it behind me and dm turning back to make sure it's locked. I might be staying at Brandon's willingly but it's definitely not safe around here, but I mean I feel safe with him so it doesn't matter.

"What was that all about." I hear Brandon ask as he goes to the fridge.

"Nothin." I say calmly as I hide the box. It's a pretty dumb idea cus he lives here but I just need to hide this for a couple of hours till it gets darker out. It's about 5:30 right now so I have some time to spare.

"Hey you wanna watch a movie?" I asked as I walk back from his room.

"Sure, what we finna watch?" He asks as he walks over to the couch.

"I don't know, maybe something from disney +" I look at his with a little smile on my face as I do a little dance. To be honest, I just got Disney plus after the longest because Netflix is running out of shows so I just decided to buy Disney +.

"Sure, you big baby." He jokes around with me and I slap him a little his chest. "Sike naw, I love you." He says leanings in your kiss me and I kindly excepted. I crawl next to him and into him and he move slightly to grab the remote from the table.

"Whatu wanna watch?" He asks.

"Umm, I don't know," I say with a long pause and he looks at me with lust in his eyes. Damn we haven't even started the movie and I want him on me now.
"I don't know, something, magical." I say calmly and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Just so you know, that didn't help at all." He says and we both crack up laughing.

"Well whatever then," I say as I cross my arms.

"Na, whatu wanna watch?" He asks me again.
"Like Disney princess magical?" He asks and takes a strand of my hair and twirls it while still giving me eye contact.

"Y-yah," I say a little nervously. I know we're all good at all but when he looks at me like that, I just start feeling a certain way.

"Huh, since when was the Billie Eilish a Disney princess fan?" He says sarcastically as he looks through the Disney princess section.

"Since I found my Prince Charming." I say as I look up and bit my lip, smiling a little.

We both smile and look at each other, then at the tv.
"Oh! Cinderella!" I say out loud by accident. He looks at me then laughs. I just remembered when I was little me, my mom, and Natalie would watch Cinderella all the time. He smiles back at me and turns on Cinderella.

After a while I look over to Brandon and he looks really focused on the movie. I don't know why, it's like he's never seen the movie before. I'm just gonna assume he has but ima just let him watch it.

After a little more time, Cinderella is at the ball and is dancing with the prince.
"Little boy must be packin!" Brandon yells out and makes me burst out in laughter.

The movie ends and I look at Brandon. His dark brown eyes are shining with the tv screen. His eyes are dark with lust too. I look down to see he had a boner too.

"I love you." I say calmly as I kiss his forehead and get up to get ready for what's coming up next.

He's gonna be in for a ride!

Ok yk the drill.

You thought there was gonna be smut, like no mam

Oh yeah, we're almost to 3k so thank you guys <3

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