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*alexa play 'whatever song you want' by reader*

Natalies pov

Dear diary,

       The date is December 16, 2019. It's two days before me and Billies 18th birthday. We're planing on having a party and everything with all our friends. We already have everything ready, we're just waiting for people to expect the party request.

Now that I realize it, it's been a while since I've wrote in here. Basically from the span of September to December I've gotten back with Colby. Billie got back with Brandon, I had a secret pregnant scare, me and my besties became friends again after a long and dreadful couple of months. We all agreed to stay with each other no matter what. It was such a petty little fight anyways.

Me and Billie also have to find out a way to tell our fans about our boyfriends. We already know that our fans know but it will be fun to confirm it.

It's also sad that we're kinda gonna be adults soon. I'll grow out of a lot of little things like this diary and everything else. But that all comes with growing up and I'm just gonna go before I start crying again.

Xoxo 💋,

I close the book and pen and hide it in the most obvious place. At this point there is no point of even hiding  it but whatever.

I get up from my bed we're I was laying and walk to the kitchen. It's around 6pm, dinner time, so mom is cooking up some food.

"Sweetie, your alright?" I hear my mom call out over the sound of her wooden spoon scraping against the pot.

"Yeah I'm fine." I call out and sit on the couch. I pull out my phone and begin to scroll on instagram. Ever since me and Billie started talking again everyone started to be nice to me again. I mean there was a couple of rumors going around that me and Billie finally fucked and that's why we're talking again. When I saw that I flipped. Not only is that fucking disgusting, but it's fucking annoying. And worst of all, our young innocent little fans believe them! There believing everything they say.

"Sweetie you sure your ok?" I hear my mom say again, snapping out of my thoughts and finally moving again.

"Cus your just sitting there like a zombie." She adds on as she covers the pot and sets down the spoon.

"Um, yeah I'm fine." I replied and scrolled on my phone.

"You know I don't believe that, not a single bone in my body believes that. What's really goin by on baby." She says as she walks over to next to me on the couch. "Cmon y'all to mama." She says as she scoots closer to me and wraps one arm next to me.

"I don't know, I guess just because I'm actually turning 18 soon. Like I'm gonna be an adult soon. I'll be legal and shit and I don't know." I say shaking my head softly.

"Maybe it's just because I'm growing up without my mom and dad." I say starting to tear up and I look down. Maggie rubs on my back to comfort me and it helps kinda.

"Like I always feel like this around me birthday. Like every year after they passed I just feel like there's a void, like a missing space, it just feels so empty. Even if I have all I want it's just like id replace all I have just to see them again." I say as tears start to run down my face. Maggie wipes them off for me but they keep flowing.

"I gues- well like don't get me wrong, I absolutely love being here, like so fucking much, but if I could be here and have my parents then I would be fine." I say as I wipe my own tear this time.

My mom sits in silence for a little . I'm guessing she's trying to process everything but I just sit there in comforting silence as she rubs my back.

"You know what we can do?.." she asks.

"What?" I say.

"We could go visit them on your birthday, like we could get flowers and stuff to leave at there graves, like old times" she says as she moves a strand on my hair out the way. We had stopped going to there grave sight when one year we went and heard screaming coming from under ground. We all thought it was impossible. Even if someone were alive they probably would've ran out of air by the time the woke up. Either way it should be impossible, like how could you hear someone when there buried 6 feet under.

The screaming never stoped so Finneas and Billie ran inside to get someone who worked there.
They came and heard it too. They even asked questions and the person responded. Saying that they're alive and stuck inside. A couple of guys started to dig as they were still talking to what sounded like a girl. They kept digging and once they got to the casket you could smell the rotting smell of human flesh. There was maggots and everything. There was no fucking way there was a human in there. They tapped on the casket with the shovel and sled if she heard it. She said yes.
While the finished digging and were about to open it Justin stopped them. He asked for the name of the person on the grave stone. They gave him the name and he look at him phone in absolute disbelief. He showed me that the grave stone was the same in the video that was playing. Justin pauses it at the right time and we saw the name. "Oh my fucking god." I had said. Justin then showed the video to Finneas.
"That grave stone has been there for longer than our parents."

The girl kept screaming. At this point the police were called and they were about to open it. Me and Billie stepped back far enough to were we wouldn't see shit. Then they opened it.

The smell was so bad that I could smell it from there. Billie and I practically ran back gaging. They quickly closed the casket and everyone was gaging. I never got to see what was in there but according to everyone else there had been a decomposing human being in there.

Everyone was shocked. The cops came and we explained to them what had happened. The dug back up the whole and everyone was in disbelief. Ever since then non of us has ever stepped foot in the graveyard. And to make it worse all of this happened only when me and Billie where 15. Around one of my lowest points in life.

I snapped out of my thoughts that I forgot I was in and look back at her.

"No." I simply say shaking my head. "No. No! You remember what happened last time." I remind her as I get up quickly.

"Yes baby I remember, but , me and your father had gon there a little while ago for old times sake and nothing happened. We even saw that old grave and the grass we greener than ever." She confirms to me.

"What do you think that even was? We never really talked about it." I say.

"That's because you guys never wanted to bring that up." She says. "Honestly, I don't know much myself. And I think it would be best to not know what that was. It's very scary to think about but hey, going to visit your parents would be the right thing to do." Maggie confirms.

"Ok ok fine." I say and I go to hug her. We hug and hug and it lasts forever.

I can't lose her. Ever

Um I'll never edit my own chapters so no.

Um yeah that bogus ass story. But whatever. I needed to post. But like fr if that happened to me I would be all the way fucked up.😳

The next couple ofchapters are gonna be my favorite. Just hang on cus this is where it gets juicy.

Oh yeah thank you guys sooooooo much for 3k like omg y'all thank to all sm!!!<3
Y'all seriously inspire me but yeah.

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