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*Alexa play 'Campfire' by Aminé*

Natalies pov

"5 more minutes get ready billie." Billies assistant tells her as everything is set in its place.

I go and follow billie to the room before she gets on stage. There's a couch there so I sit and on the couch and she comes up to me and we start to play paddy cake.

"You excited?" Billie asks as we play.

"Yeah." I say breathlessly and she stops. She holds my shoulders and looks me in the eye. Oh no.
She then shakes me.

"Get happier!" She yells out cause me to chuckle.

"Look follow me" she says as she moves back and jumps from side to side.

"I would but just to remind you I'm wearing a dress." I say as I cross my legs and she stops.

"Why would you even wear a dress to a concert?" She asks.

"To be honest.. I wanted to make everyone who saw me jealous. I don't know tho, I- I probably just look stupid." I say holding my head down.

"Hey.. no. To be honest when I saw you, I was a little intimidated. Like I was like, how does she look that good.  So your plan worked I guess, to say the least." She says and I smile. I missed her so much. I just wish we could talk right now forever but the show is about to start.

"He-." I was cut off.

"Billie, the shows about to start." Finneas says as he gets up on stage with Andrew. They get in there seats and the crowd goes wild cus they know the show is about to start. I stand up from my seat and move closer to see better. Then I hear the intro music start.
After a couple of seconds billie starts to walk up the stairs and on the stage. She stands there for a couple of seconds until the beat for bad guy starts playing.

Right after the song started I get a tap on my shoulder.

"You remember what you have to do right!" I hear Billies assistant say slightly over the loud music.
I nod my head in response and look back into the stage. I can't see how many people are there but o can tell it's a lot. There's a lot of screaming and it's really loud. I so don't miss this to be honest. Maybe it's just my anxiety.

After awhile Billie performed I love you with Finneas an she got off the bad once it came down.

"Umm.. haha!" Billie laughs into the mic.
"Um, soo, Y'all wanna see something..." she say I'm a little pretty voice.

The crowd goes wild. "Ok." She says quietly as she walks off the stage and to the room we're I'm in. They already got me ready to go on stage so now we wait.

The 'Not My Responsibly' interlude video come in the screens and the crown screams there lungs out. (Ik this video is not for this tour but I wanted to put it in this one ok ok)

I've sent the video earlier today but it's still shocking that she would do that. Either way I'm extremely proud that she decided to do that.

"Did you forget who's in the crowd." Billie says in my ear. Turn my head and see giggles. I completely forgot about our friends that came to watch. I guess I was too worried about what to do.

"Omg.. he's watching." I say pointing out towards the crowd.

"Yeah." She sats breathlessly.

We both look out in the crowd and once it gets quiet again from people watching we all hear someone yell,
"Aye who's girl is this?!"

Me and Billie both laugh out because we know damn well that was prince and his goofy ass. I've never heard him so loud but the crowd was responding so that was cute.

The video ends and everyone is screaming as Billie goes back up on stage.

"Yooo!" She yells out.
"Um, I know the shows almost over.." she says as the crowd awws in sadness.

"I know I know."billie says pouting.

"But listen, I have someone here, that I love so much, but anyways, yeah don't be mean. Please. She says as she signals me to come out. I get read to a run out but my anxiety just stops me in my tracks. She immediately notices and come a to bring me out.

"Com on," Billie says as she holds my hand and pulls me out on stage.

I walk out and the crowd yells but they also seemed confused.

"My sister." Billie says in her baby voice as she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Hi." I say softly into the mic. I didn't expect people to actually care but I guess I was wrong.

We both wait for our first cover to come on and of course it's Ariana.

One of my favorite songs by her come on. 'Fake smile' we starts and me and Billie start to dance a little bit. We both sing a little into to mic and dance most of the song. During the first song, I was looking for my friends but I couldn't see them so I asked billie we're they were.

"Front middle right." She says I'm my ear and I look over there with my eyes only. Not trying to be suspicious. The first so ends and I finally found them. I need to see them for this song. Specifically Colby.
'Make up' by Ariana starts playing. As the song plays I continue to look at Colby. It's like the lyrics fit perfectly whit what's going on in my life right now. After that song billie came up to me and fixed my hair and I did the same. Then
'Campfire' by aminé started playing. Billie loves this song and i really like it to.

She song plays and she moved closer to the right of the stage where our friends are. I go over to Billie and we both dance around but this time it's more of body rolling then dancing. I look down in the crowd and see Brandon and Colby just lost for words. Billie noticed then holds my right hand as she body rolls until she's squatting on the floor as she twerks a little to the beat. Once she did that the crowd went crazy and Billie got up and we both danced away from them. Once we got to the middle I started twerking to the beat. It was funny how shocked everyone was.

The song finally ended and somehow me and Billie ended up on the floor. Billie, Finneas, Andrew, and I ended up doing bury a friend together and that was it.

The end.

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