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*Alexa play 'Yah Mean' by Playboi Carti*

*Billies pov*

"So yeah... Are You Even Paying Attention Billie!"

"Huh?" I say as I snap out of my thoughts.

"Oh my god... seriously!" My manager says as he runs he's hand through his hair.

"Sorry." I say as I roll my eyes at him. He wanted to have a meeting to discuss my 'issue'. I would be fine with it, but he had to drag my entire team to the meeting, including my family, dancers, literally everyone. To he honest.. it's really embarrassing to talk about this in front of them. Especially because of the questions there asking. Like why the fuck would I answer a question about when the last time I had sex in front of a bunch of people. Like shit!

Either way I just tuned out of this 'important' conversation.

"Listen.. listen.. if you wanna work this out.. your gonna have to pay attention baby.." My mom says as she gets up. She walks up to me and holds my shoulders.

"Whatever...." I say as she let's go of me and walks back to her seat. "I don't know why you guys are stressing over this shit anyways. Im just gonna get an abortion and go on with my life." I say as I pull out my phone to start using it.

"Really.?" My manager says leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah..little Jordan looks a little shocked there boo boo... what's wrong... y'all thought I was gonna keep his baby.." I say pointing at Jordan. It's honestly funny to see his face. He looks sad, mad, and happy and the same time. It's an unreadable face, like what the fuck..?

"Shady..." Jordan then says as he breaks out of that unreadable expression. Ugly ass.

"To be honest... your not wrong sir.. I mean.. I only slept with you to get back at that bitch Natalie. Sooo.. yeah.. shady." I say getting up and walking away. I've had enough of this shit.

"Um.. do you want me to set up an appointment next stop?" I hear my assistant yell.

"Yes babe" I say to her. I always flirt with her because first of all, shes got anime tits, and she's really pretty. I'd date her but she's a BiTCh! People don't like her because she's so quick to snap but I don't know, I kinda like it.

I continue to walk out of the green room that we were all in. Even though I should be resting, I have another show to do and I can't let my fans down. I'll be fine though..


*Natalies pov*


"Hell yah!" Desire says holding her cup up.

"You should go live." One of her friends say.

"You should!" She tells me. "Show them what there missing!" I hear her say.

".........-k!" I yell out. I grab my phone and go on instagram. I tumble between buttons but then end up figuring it out.

"H- HI!" I yell out on the phone.

"Yeo!" My friends say as the jump on me.

"Y'all.. g- guess what!" I say to the camera.

"I'm............... drunk!" I yell after a long pause. OPs I forgot what I was saying.

"Hahah!" I hear my friends laugh out.

"What's going on?"
"She's drunk?"
"What did she say?"
"Why is she drinking!"
"Im confused?"
"She's so hot"
"Don't click my pfp."
"When are you gonna post."
"Lemme edit your videos"

"Ohoh comments lemme see.!" Desire says as she grabs my phone and looks at the screen.

"There rude." She says to me.

"nOo shit!" I blurt out.

"She's such a bad influence to her."
"I wanna be her your friend."
"What's her @?"
"What is this a porno"
"Why aren't you talking to your sister."
"Why are you guys drinking"
"Underaged drinking is illegal!"

@finneas joined

"Ohohoh.. you have guest!" Desire says as she shows me the phone.

"Ew." I blurt our and shove the phone away from my face.

"Hahah!" My friends laugh.

"Kiss me!" I say to one of the boys that's are with us.

"Huuu!!! Oh my goosssee!" Desire says as she laughs.

"Shhhit." I hear one of the other boys say. Now there all just looking. The kiss gets heated and he starts to take my shirt off.

"Oop." I hear desire say. I pull back and she's her pick up the phone and turn off the live. My family probably know what's gonna happen but..



I'm tired 😴

Sorry this is short. I wrote this chapter before but the whole thing got deleted so I'm sorry.
Sorry I haven't been posting but thank y'all for 1.6k reads! I love y'all sm

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