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nothing had ever been harder than this moment. this life.

highschool sucked. life sucked. existence was horrible. everyday, day in and day out. over and over. an endless fucking cycle.

the brunette boy was walking across the courtyard, ice blue eyes fixated on the ground in front of him. no eye contact meant no chance of getting beat up today.

he stood corrected as he tumbled to the ground, sketchbook and textbooks spilling all over the concrete. varied snickers came from those around him. a hand with black painted nails offered him help.

he graciously took the hand, hoisting himself up, and reaching down to grab his things.

"sorry about that didnt see you there! i'm max. whats your name?" a punk redhead asked, smiling.

"august. august joseph."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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