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it was the next day. Yurio was up bright and early since he hadn't slept, While Yurio was grabbing some food he heard a knock on the door
"Oh they're here."
Yurio said out loud to himself
He swung the door open to see a very smiley couple
"dude can you like not."
After the fiasco between Victor and Yurio, Yurio invited Yuri and Victor inside, Yuri simply took off his shoes and walked in, while Victor sat down to take off his shoes and limped in..
Yurio thought to himself.
Yurio silently made tea for the couple and had a chit chat with them.
Yurios grandpa walked down the stairs, surprised to see Victor and Yuri
"Oh my word! You guys didn't tell me you were coming- OH JUST GIVE ME A HUG!"
Yurio giggled and they all talked for a while.
"So do you want to come to the ice rink with me and Victor, Yurio?"
Said Yuri
"Oh sure.."
Answered Yurio
They all walked down town and Yurio slowly realised why Victor was limping and how much of a third wheeler he was.
Once they had arrived at the rink, they all got ready and started skating, Yurio was scared at first, but then gracefully started skating across the rink, While Yuri and Victor were being so married and were skating together.
As Yurio was looking at the sweet couple, he stopped skating, he had hit something, but that something had caught him before he hit the ice.

Yurio looked up and was ready to yell at someone, but once he saw the face of what caught him, he froze. He had never felt so safe in a strangers arms before
"Hey.. you okay?"
Yurio was fascinated by the young mans face that he didn't say anything.
The voice called out again
"Oh shit- yea I'm fine I just sorta- um i...don't know."
Yurio responded with while feeling super uncomfortable.
"Well I think I should introduce myself, I've never seen you at this rink before.
I'm Otabek."
Otabek smiled
"Well I'm Yurio, the biggest disgrace to the ice skating community.."
Yurio said somewhat jokingly while still meaning it.
Yurio and Otabek talked for a while, and Yurio felt human again, he had never felt so happy in a long time-
Victor called out from the other side of the rink. Yurio got the message and right before he was about to leave Otabek stopped him
"Hey.. Whats your number?"
The boys exchanged numbers and went their separate ways for the day.

On the walk back the three skaters stopped at a local burger place and ate lunch then Victor began complaining about his hips hurting, Yurio simply rolled his eyes and scrolled through Instagram and Twitter, but no matter how much interesting stuff he saw or read, he still couldn't get Otabek off his mind, they way he felt when he caught Yurio...
But just like that, Yurio had arrived back at his house and said goodbye to Yuri and Victor.
He sat in his room and looked at his barely healed cuts from the night before. He scratched them a couple times, but he was distracted by the silence of the house, he hadn't seen his grandpa since he got home, and that was awhile ago now at this point. Yurio ran down the stairs to see no one in the kitchen so he checked his Grandpas bedroom
Nothing there either
So now the bathroom

"Hey Pa? Are you in there?"
Yurio slowly pushed the door open and-

You Saved Me (Depressed Yurio) (Yurio X Otabek)Where stories live. Discover now