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Yuri and Victor were laying in bed together, cuddling.

Yuri- "good morning babe"

Victor- "5 more minutessss"

Yuri hopped out of bed and put on some pants. Since he was in his underwear.

Yuri- "come on. We have to get to the rink early, we have a competition in two months."

Victor- "ughhhhh fineee"

Victor got up and sluggishly walked up to Yuri and rapped his arms around him and snuggled into his chest.

Yuri- "dude you are such a bottom"

Victor jumped up

Victor- "Hey I am not! ..... only sometimes."

Yuri- "exactly"

Yuri pulled victor into a kiss and it slowly turned into a make out session.
Then they heard a tap on the door

Yuri- "come in"

Victor sadly looked at Yuri because he wanted to continue
The door slid open to see a tired little Yurio.

Yurio- "guys.. why aren't you at the rink?"

Yuri- "because SOMEONE wouldn't get out of bed.."

Victor- "I feel personally attacked.."

Yuri- "oh shhh you know I love you"

Yuri started passionately kissing Victor as Yurio stood there in silence

Yurio- "I'm going back to bed.."

Yurio walked back into his room and flopped on his bed


It was Yurios phone

Otabek sent him an address. It was a small hotel with a restaurant open to the public next to it.

Yurio was confused but then started to think

Maybe Otabek is there... or he has a friend there waiting for me.

He decided he would go shortly after Yuri and Victor had left just to be sure.

(11:26 am)

The couple had left and it was just Yurio left in the house. He had showered and gotten into a stylish outfit then put on an overcoat since it was snowing.

He left the home and followed the directions to the restaurant/hotel. Once he had arrived he looked around a bit before walking inside.

He sat down at a table and ordered some food.
By the time he had finished his meal. He was upset that Otabek had led him somewhere with no outcome. So he left.

At one point he must've taken a wrong turn because he ended up in a dark ally way. The only this lightning up the area was a homeless man next to a bin on fire. He got nervous as he continued down the dark and dingy ally. He stopped in his track as someone had put they're hand on his shoulder. He turned around. Thinking it was Otabek. But all of a sudden he felt sharp pain in his jaw. The strange figure had uppercut him in the jaw. He was on the floor, covering his face. The person continued to kick him in the stomach as they chanted words

"Figure skating wannabe."

"What a fucking loser."

"Your a disgrace."

They continued stomping on him. Kicking him. He was struggling for air as he sat there helplessly.

"OI! Get the fuck off him!"

A voice echoed from the distance and yet the pain continued. The kicking stopped.

"Mate we were just messing around! Chill out!"

"Well if your messing around. It's not with my boyfriend!"

Yurio laid there as he realised who was defending him

"Get lost you fat motherfucker!"

"Okay okay. Fucking gays ruin everything."

The voice got closer as he heard footsteps getting closer to him

"Oh my god. Yurio are you okay?"

Yurio built up the strength and opened his eyes to see a concerned Otabek looked down at him

Yurio couldn't find the strength to answer and just collapsed on the dirty ground as blood poured out of his nose and mouth.

O- "hang in there buddy. I've called Victor and Yuri. They're on there way."

Otabek slowly picked up Yurio and carried him out to the street and waited for Victor and Yuri to show up.

*15 minutes later*

A car pulled up next to them as two boys ran out and immediately started crying

V- "who the fuck did this?"

Yuri- "lets not worry about that! Let's get him to the hospital!"

Otabek started to cry as he hopped into the back seat of the car. Still holding Yurio close to his chest. The car sped off down to the hospital.

You Saved Me (Depressed Yurio) (Yurio X Otabek)Where stories live. Discover now