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It was later in the day, the sun had gone down and Otabek and Yurio where walking back to Yurios apartment after a long day of skating and chatting with Mila

Y- "what do you think about Mila?"

O- "she's really nice, funny, ya know. Everything you want in a friendship."

Y- "yeah, she used to really piss me off, but she's very supportive, shes like a mother."

Yurio and Otabek giggled and walked up to Yurios apartment, Yurio was hesitant to walk in, but he did it anyway despite he's anxiety warning him that he shouldn't.

O- "are you okay? Are you gonna be okay tonight?"

Y- "yeah I'm sure I'll be fine.."

O- "are you sure? I'm really worried about you Yurio.."

Y- "I said I'm fine."

Yurio said in a stern voice

O- "woah. Are you okay kitten? You've never said anything like that before?"

Y- "did I studder?? I said I'm fine."

O- "Okay well I'm sorry for caring for you."

Otabek gave in to the argument and started to get frustrated

Y- "I never asked for you to care about me. I can take care of myself!"

O- "oh are you sure!! You've been a hot mess ever since I met you!"

Y- "I'm not a hot mess! I became a hot mess because I started spending time with you!"

Otabek stood there in shock as tears started to form in his eyes.

O- "why do you push out everyone who cares about you?"

Y- "don't you have somewhere to be Otabek?"

Otabek stared at Yurio. Seeing if he actually meant it.

Y- "go."

Otabek slowly walked backwards then turned for the door and ran out. Yurio looked as Otabek ran out, so desperately wanting him to come back. He needed to apologise, but he didn't know how.

Y- "I'm such a fucking idiot.."

Yurio looked around at the empty apartment, it was cold, dark, depressing. Since his Grandpa was no longer there to cheer him up. Yurio suddenly thought, what if Otabek didn't leave!

He ran to the window that looked out to the footpath, he saw Otabek sitting on the side of the road, he wanted to open the window and call out to him, but before he could do that, a Uber pulled up next to him and he got in, and the Uber drove off.

Y- "he's right, I do push out everyone that cares about me."

All of a sudden, yurios phone started ringing, it was Victor, it was a face time call. He answered to see what Victor wanted

V- "hey dude!"

Yurio put on a fake smile and replied

Y- "sup."

V- "I just heard about your grandpa, are you doing okay?"

Y- "well I'm not thriving, and I'm barely surviving."

V- "well me and Yuri we're talking about it, and we were wondering if you would want to stay with us in Japan?"

Yurios mind was filled with dark thoughts, he needed to get away from Russia.

Y- "oh my gosh! Really?"

Yuri popped in screen

Yuri- "yea!"

V- "so we'll pay for your plane tickets and we'll pick you up from the airport on Sunday. Sound good?"

Yurio- "it sounds great!"

Victor- "we'll see you then!"

Victor and Yuri- "byeeeee!"

Yurio- " bye guys!"

Victor ended the call and Yurio ran upstairs to pack, he was so excited to see them, plus he had only been to Yuri's hotel once.

It was about 11:30 pm when Yurio had finished packing, he was so tired so he zipped up the suitcase and flopped on his bed and immediately feel asleep.

You Saved Me (Depressed Yurio) (Yurio X Otabek)Where stories live. Discover now