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"Pa..oh no..."
Yurio panic and ran over to his Grandpa to see if he was okay
He wasn't responding.
"No-no no.."
Yurio burst into tears and ran to his room to grab his phone and shakily called a ambulance.
"This can't be happening. No not now.."
Yurio sat with his Grandpa, trying to wake him up and figure out what was wrong with him

Yurios world shattered around him, but those thoughts were interrupted by sirens so he ran downstairs and open the door and lead the paramedics to the bathroom. Yurio just stood there, completely emotionless, watching the panic in the doctors faces. They loaded Yurios Grandpa into the ambulance.

Yurio hopped in and sat there. Holding his Grandpa lifeless hand as the perimedics worked trying to figure out what had happened and what state he was in. Yurio decided to wait outside while they tested his Grandpa, he couldn't bare to see his Grandpa in the state he was in.

After a few hours. Yurio  had nearly fallen asleep but he was interrupted by the doctor
"Excuse me?"
"Oh yes"
"Yuri Plisetsky, right?"
The doctor continued on and talked about testing and then-
"Well your Grandfather.. he sadly- didn't make it...I'm really sorry."
Yurio didn't answer, he nodded and walked out, on his way out he bumped into someone
Before he could walk off like it didn't happen. The person grabbed him on the shoulder, stopping him from walking off.
Yurio looked up to see the comforting face of-
"Are you okay, you seem like you just-hehe- heard some really bad news."
"Oh..I did, my grandpa just passed."
"Oh my gosh.. I'm so sorry.."
Yurio started crying uncontrollably and started scratching at his cuts, Otabek immediately knew what was happening, Otabek quickly pulled Yurio into a hug, as Yurio adjusted himself and wrapped his arms around Otabek.
Otabek felt something form in his boxers, the fabric only making it more noticeable. Yurio tightened his grip around Otabek and let out a small wimper. They both brushed and pretended like it didn't happened

"Hey I was wondering, would you want to grab some food with me?
"Oh- sure.."

The two boys walked in down the street, down to the local burger place. Yurio struggled to keep up but once they had arrived the boys ordered food and they both sat in silence
Yurio finally decided he was going to ask a question
"Hey Otabek..can you stay at my place tonight, since Pa won't be there, can you stay the night?"
"Yeah totally.."

The two boys walked back to Yurios house, the little blonde boy unlocked the door and hesitantly walked in with Otabek following closely behind.
Yurio put on a movie and quickly ran off to the bathroom
He stared at the mirror and pulled up his sleeve, revealing his bloody and brooding cuts, Yurio started picking at the dried blood and slowly started crying. He couldn't bare to be at the empty house, the house was no longer home without his grandpa.
While Yurio was fixated on his cuts and his own thoughts- but his dark thoughts were interrupted after Otabek had slammed him against the wall
Is what Otabek simply making intense eye contact with Yurio.
"don't do— what?..
"Hurt- yourself.."
Otabek let go and started crying

Yurio started crying and frantically started apologising .
But Otabek stopped him by pulling him into a hug.

You Saved Me (Depressed Yurio) (Yurio X Otabek)Where stories live. Discover now