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I gasp, turning to look at Rowan. In the dark and the fog, he seems ethereal. And he's far away, but I know it's him. Because of the moon that glints on his silvery hair and highlights the inky darkness of his tattoos.

He begins walking toward me, eyes wide. I stop breathing and all I can think of is getting to him--

I break into a run across the parking lot.

And this distance between us--It's too much, even if I can see him.

So I will my legs to carry me faster and lessen this distance between us.

As I get closer, I begin to laugh, and then the tears start.


A break from all the pain.



And then I'm laughing, crying, and we meet in the middle of the parking lot, and he catches me as I jump into his arms.

And time stops.

Only the two of us exist.

Nothing else matters.

Nothing else will matter.

Nothing has ever mattered more.

We're back together.

And it might have been only a week, but so much has happened.

And maybe Thor still has Dark Elves to defeat, but if I can get to Asgard soon, get the staff, and give it to Hela, I can get my powers back, help defeat them, and then maybe--maybe--just have a tiny, fool's shot at peace.

But a chance nevertheless.

Is it too much to ask?

Is it?

I bury my face in his neck and he does the same for me.

"Mavi," he says softly.

I sob and hug him tighter. "Rowan."

He pulls back to look at me.

Like he's committing my face to memory.

But that last time he saw me must have been a few days ago at best.

I hadn't noticed in the past minute, but his once-bright pine-green eyes are haunted. Dull.

He looks... older.

And different.

Then I notice. In the dark fog at night, I couldn't tell.

But now I see pain clouded in his eyes.

A small chuckle escapes his lips. He's looking at the white streak now in my hair. "What happened?"

"It's complicated." I say.

"Well, we have time," he says, pulling me into a hug again.

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