The Nightmare, Mavi Gwenwynwr/Stark is now dead--taken her life to go to Helheim and try resurrecting the dead love of her life. Meanwhile, Loki has escaped the Avengers and SHIELD with the Tesseract, and all hell has broken l...
Ok now on with the story even though I'm screaming inside
And sorry for the super-late update. I haven't been busy lately, but I have not been finding motivation to write and instead was spending my time reading Webtoons.
And I am extremely sorry in advance because I know for sure this chapter is far too fast-paced and shitty.
We land on the ground of Svartalfheim and struggle to the top of a huge dune where we see Malekith and the Kurse waiting.
"Alright, are you ready?" Thor asks, and Loki rises.
"I am." We stand from their hiding spot and Malekith spots us from the distance. "You know this plan of yours is going to get us killed."
"Yeah, possibly." Thor says, and Loki holds up his shackled hands for Thor to uncuff him.
"You still don't trust me, brother?" Loki asks.
"Would you?" Thor takes off Loki's cuffs.
"No, I wouldn't." Loki takes out a dagger stabs Thor, throwing him down the hill.
They, of course, decided not to tell me of this plan, yet I know it already. So I use my knowledge of it to hold Jane back from running down the hill after the two brothers. Well, I just plant my feet in front of her and meet her eyes, blocking her path and praying she gets the message in my eyes that I cannot speak.
She does not.
"Thor! No!" Jane screams.
Malekith sees this and starts walking towards them as Loki walks over to Thor.
Their acting skills are very nice.
Since I can't see through Loki's illusions anymore, I have no idea where they really are. I don't even know if Malekith and the Dark Elves can see me.
"You really think I cared about Frigga, about any of you?" He kicks Thor in the stomach. A bit harsh, if you ask me. "All I ever wanted was you and Odin dead at my feet!" This, in fact, is not true. Thor raises his hand, attempting to summon Mjölnir, but Loki cuts off his hand. Thor screams out in pain and Jane rushes over to Thor, pushing me over in the process.