The Beginning

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I am at lunch waiting on my best friends bayley, nikki, brie, nia, alexa, natayla, naomi, carmella, paige. I see the girls walk in the restaurant and they saw sitting down at a big table and they walk over to me. "Hey sasha" the girls said to me and I stood up from my seat to hug each of them and we all sat down around the table. "so sasha how have you been?"
Natayla ask me and the girls look at me concern. "I'm fine" I told them and they're still looking at me with a concern look on their faces "seriously I'm fine" I told them "you sure boo?" naomi asked me "yes I'm fine" I told them "you sure because divorces are hard" nia told me "look I know you guys are worried about me but I'm fine" I said "plus I going back to wwe tomorrow" I mumbled to them "what??" Nikki asked "I going back to wwe" I mumbled again "What???" They all said "I going back to wwe!" I shouted and everyone in the restaurant was looking at us "wait what?!" Brie said and I shrugged "dude I think you need more to heal" carmella tells me "yeah you only took 3 weeks off from wwe" paige said "look the only thing that make me happy is wwe" I said "yeah but dont you think that-" I cut alexa off "it's my decision so end of conversation so can we please order!" I slightly shouted. We order are food and we ate then we went to the hotel to get ready for the movies.

At the movie's
Still sasha P.O.V

We were all at the movies and deciding on what movie we should see then I saw someone familiar coming out of Star Wars: The Rise of The Skywalker theater and I couldn't believe it was sarath holding with another girl and can't believe he moved on that fast. I was still looking at sarath and his new girlfriend apparently. "Sasha...sasha....sasha?!" Bayley said to me but I wasn't listening to her, "sasha banks, earth to banks?!" the girls said to me and waving their hands in front of my face then nikki turns to where I'm looking "guys!" Nikki says to them and they looked at sarath and his new girlfriend. "Hey guys let's go" bayley said and they all tried take someplace else so I wouldn't see this but I refused. I never felt so much anger in my life so I took off my earrings "what are you doing?" Paige said and i gave my earrings to paige to hold and took off my backpack and gave it to bayley and then they surrounded me "sasha think before you do something that your gonna regret" brie tells me "the only thing that regret is being with him" I said angrily and I tried to break out from them surrounding me but they wouldn't budge "okay I'm cool" I said "your sure?" natalya asked me "yeah...yeah I'm cool" i told them and then they stopped surrounding me then i ran to sarath and the girls chased after me. I punched sarath continuously then nia and naomi grabbed me "WTF!!!" sarath said "what asshole! your divorced me for that hoe!!!" I shouted and nia and naomi holding me back "bitch please we started dating before you guys got married!" that hoe said to me and I got more angry and I broke free from nia and naomi then I attacked that stupid hoe and she fought back and the police showed up. I got hand cuffed by the officer but the stupid hoe didn't because she got get out jail free card from her dad "sasha banks your under arrest, you have right to ramain silent anything you say could be use against you in court of law" the officer said while he put in the back of the police car "sasha were right behind you okay..." carmella said to me and nikki stops the officer for sec "wait how much is her bail?" She asked the officer "for public disturbance and assault will be $1,500" the officer reported to nikki and the other girls and then officer got in the car drove off.


"How are we get that kind of money?" I asked them and the rest just shrugged "I got an idea!" Paige said "if it's about robbing a bank then I'm all for it" alexa said, paige and alexa high five each other "guys were not robbing a bank!" natalya said "the bank is just across the street" paige and alexa said "Guys! Were not robbing a bank for the last time!" I told them "then what are we going to do then?" Nikki asked me "I dont know" I told her "we could ask stephanie" naomi said "and we all get fired for this! No!" Carmella said "fix your attitude!" Naomi told carmella and then everyone starts arguing with each other "GUYS!" I shouted at them in the parking lot "I got an idea" nia said "what is it?" I said "let's ask the shield" nia said "why?" Alexa said "because they know how to get sasha out of this situation" nia said "how???" I asked her "you'll see" nia told me.


We are all at the carmella's hotel because it's more bigger to fit everyone. The we all heard someone pounding on the door and we got startled by the pounding on the door. Nikki got up from the bed and walked to the door to open it and when she opened it "NIA WHATS THE EMERGENCY!!!" roman asked me with concern look and seth and dean also looked at us with a concern look "sasha got arrested for fighting" I told the shield "who did she fight?" Seth asked "sarath new girlfriend" carmella said "did you guys record it?" Dean asked "why?" Paige asked "in case you guys posted on social media and stephanie might've saw" dean said "and so I can watch sasha beat the hell out of that girl" dean said "let me answer your question NO and NO" nikki said "let's get back to sasha being arrested" seth said. Seth and Roman and dean look at us "the bail cost $1,500" brie said "HOLY SHIT!" Roman and seth, "damn the boss is gonna be in trouble with her mom" dean said "but isn't stephanie sasha's mom so she should we tell her that sasha is under-" alexa cuts seth off "look sasha told us if she got in a situation like this we can't tell stephanie or triple h" alexa said "so can you guys help us or no?" I asked "look cuz that's a lot of money" roman said "I got an idea!" Carmella said standing up.

Carmella P.O.V

"so what if we write fake check from triple h or stephanie" I said "that's not bad Idea" dean said "awww thanks" I said "this is a bad idea" brie said "come on brie stop being downer" nikki told brie "yeah look at bright side sasha would out of jail" I said "fine..." brie said "that's the spirit pumpkin" paige said "whatever" brie said.

Nikki P.O.V

We arrived at the police station where sasha was at. "Does anyone have blank check?" Dean said then i gave him a blank check "so who can write like stephanie or triple h?" Roman said. "Here let me try" seth said and dean handed him the blank check and seth forged triple h's signature then seth showed them the signature "wow just like triple h" I said "so let's give them the check" brie said and we walked in the station.

Seth P.O.V

I was so nervous about giving the check to the officer. I gave the officer the check at front desk "we are here to bail out sasha banks" nikki said to the officer and officer went to get sasha and when he brought she looked so banged up "she wasn't this banged up before" nikki whispered to us and we are concerned about sasha and how she got more banged up then the officer unhandcuff sasha "your free to go" the officer told her

Sasha P.O.V

When the officer told me I was free to go. I ran to me friends and gave them a hug. Then we all went to my hotel room and I didn't know why they followed me to my hotel room for any ways and we walked inside my room and I flopped on my bed because I was happy to not be at police station and when sat up from the bed they looked at me concern "what?" I asked them "sasha where did all those bruises and cuts come from?" Brie asked me "you know where" I told them "where?" natayla asked "you know from that fight at the movies" I said nervously "you sure because I don't remember you getting a black eye or busted lip and broken nose" paige said "wait how did you bail me out?" I asked "we forged your parents signature" carmella said "who Forged my parents signature???" I said "me" seth said "wow thanks" I said giving him a hug "no problem anything for you" seth told "now back to you sasha" brie said walking to me closely and once brie walked up to me closely the other girls did as well "what happened?" Nia tells me "I kinda got to another fight at the station" I said "omg sasha please say wasnt a officer" paige said "okay it wasnt" I said and they rolled their eyes.

"Omg sash what is with you starting fights all the time" brie said
"I dont know but that officer had it coming" I said. "But it's fine i promise" i said "ok boo" naomi said
"What do think your mom and dad are gonna do to us when they find out what we did?" Paige asked "okay look my parents wont find out so stop freaking out cause your freaking me out" I said "I swear banks If we get fired" nia said "you guys arent getting fired okay" I said "how do you know" nikki said "cause I have plan" I said.

"It better not be stupid" bayley said
"All of sasha plans are stupid" alexa said "okay goodnight" i said. The girls went back to their rooms.


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