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Sasha P.O.V

*2 years later*

After being told by doctors i can't get pregnant has been hell because me and seth both want biological children but we can't.

"Baby?" Seth said making me snap out of my thoughts

"Yeah" i said looking at him

"I'm going to spoil you today because you deserve it" Seth said

I smile widely

Seth kisses my cheek making me blush

We went to the mall and got a few things for me and for him cause I'm nice, later we went to Smackdown.

"Hey sash" Nikki smiled

"Hey" I smiled

We both hug

"So how you been?" Brie asks

"I been good how bout you guys" I said

"We're good" the twins said

I nodded

"We gotta go so we catch you later" Brie said

"Oh yeah, bye girls" I said

"Byeee" Nikki said

The twins walked away

I have been gone for over a year because I was still figuring out my life but that conversation with the girls felt awkward.

"Hey Sasha!" Alexa said excitedly hugging me

"Woah hi Lexi" I said

"Omg your back!" Nia said

"Welcome back sis" Zelina said

"Yeah thanks guys" I said

"You okay? You seem a bit weirded it out" Alexa laughed

"Yeah I'm fine" I said

"Okay uh we catch you later okay?" Zelina said

"Yeah sure sure" I said

The girls nodded and left

I went to gorilla quietly so I could surprise certain people

"Do I have a match tonight?" I asked

Everyone looked at me

"Oh my gosh! You scared the shit outta me kid" Vince said

"I didn't know you were back sweetpea" Stephanie said

"Yeah I came back..and yeah everything is very much awkward" I said

"You haven't seen these people over a year so of course it would be a bit awkward, you just gotta warm up to them again" Hunter said

I nodded

"So how are you?" Stephanie asked

"Therapy sucks, rehab is shitty, I can't get pregnant...yeah I'm good" I said

"Hey hey don't be like that...your gonna get better and you know never you could have a baby.." Hunter said

"Anyways how are you?" I said

"We are good" Stephanie said

"Yeah we're fine" Hunter smiled


"Gramps can I have a match tonight?" I said

"You can be partner up with Seth, you and Seth vs Becky and Dean" Vince said

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