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A/N: yay! You made it to the next chapter!!! Woooo!

Sasha P.O.V

It's been 3 months since me and dean broke up I was a total mess. I've been barely able to go places because what if I saw dean but today worst day ever because it's my birthday ugh! And bayley texted me to meet her at WWE so went to WWE and see everyone gathered around and there is Birthday cake "happy Birthday!" Everyone said to me "thanks" I said then everyone started to sing happy to me and the corner of my eye I saw dean this is gonna be painful and I blew out the candles before everyone could finish the song. I ran to women's locker room and I fell to knees and started to crying it was just to painful to see dean again especially today. The girls came in "poor baby" nikki said "worst day ever" I said "look its going be okay" paige said "no it's not" I said "sasha yes it will" carmella said "how do you know?" I said "because we just know" brie said "sorry if your Birthday suck" natalya said "my Birthday always suck" I said "we are here for you if you need anything" nia said "thanks guys" I said "you wanna know something" nikki said "what is it?" I asked "I won the bet" nikki said "what bet?" I asked "the bet on you and dean and Roman and seth" nikki said "technically you didn't win" paige said "your just jealous because you didnt win" nikki said "whatever" paige said. I left to my hotel room and I saw roman waiting in the front of the door. "Hey sasha" roman said "hey roman" I said "why are you here?" I asked "I'm here to see you" he said "why?" I asked "because of us" he said and kissed me the I pulled back "I cant Roman...I just cant" I said. I went my hotel room.

Roman P.O.V

I felt hurt a little by what sasha said to me. But you know if dean can move on so can I so I went to my ex- wife house to see if we can be together again but didn't work so good. I called WWE to let them know that I be taking some time off only for little bit to find out want I really want. I went back to Samoa to stay there with my family and to make everything was okay at home and they were fine. It so good to back home with my family and friends and the culture. I wasnt thinking about sasha at all. Which was good. I was happy to be home.


After what happened between me and sasha. I moved on so me and renne got back together and we are having a baby. But seeing sasha again was a little painful but I knew she felt the same. Sometimes I wonder what if me and sasha was still together and having baby but we all know that would have never happened but it's okay I got to move on and live my life with or without sasha in my life.


When I walked in my hotel once roman lefted. I started to cry because I'm still in love with three members of the shield and cant seem to chose which one I want to be with. I feel like every person i loved i just fucked it up no matter how hard i try to keep my relationship. This kills me to say I think I need a break from my friends and WWE and love. So I bought a ticket to Boston my home town to think about my what am I doing with my life but i know i still want wrestle and stuff but I think I need to find myself. I called WWE to tell them I'd be taking some time off.

* later *

I was asleep then I woke to someone pounding on the door and yelling my name "Go Away!" I shout "Banks open the door!" Charlotte said "Leave!" I shout from the top of my lungs. Alexa opens the door "sasha you okay?" Brie said then the girls started comforting me "so we heard your taking some time off" Natayla said "y-yeah" I said "you good?" Bayley asked "I'm fine" I said and I was about to cry "pumpkin its gonna be okay" paige said "yeah your gonna be okay" carmella said "no I'm not because very relationship im in I fuck it up every time" I said with trembling voice "hey look you will find your perfect someone" nia said "yeah lass" becky said "I feel like I'm cruse with something and cant find love" I said and i looked down and started crying "hey it's not your fault that sarath beat you or anything" nikki said "yeah you didn't make that happen, ok" brie said "yeah I know" I said. "Well I have to go" i said they gave me a big hug.


I arrived to Boston my home town and I went home. Once I arrived at my house I saw a bouquet of roses on the porch so I picked it up and went inside. I saw the card and I read the card out loud "sasha I hope you are reading because sasha I'm in love with you, I always have been and I always will be in love with you. Look I know your not ready to be relationship right now but know this I will wait for you even if takes 10 years for me to wait for you. You mean the world to me and I cant lose you! Remember this i will always love you no matter what♡" I'm almost in tears just reading this but it's so sweet and I start to wonder who send this to me.

*next day*

I woke up in good mood since I read that card from who ever it's from. I'm still trying to figure who is it from and I know it couldn't be one of my ex's but you'll never know. I told the girls about on our group chat but they couldn't think of who could it be from. Then I saw letter slide underneath my door and I was like wtf and when I went to go open the door to look outside to see if I could catch that person but he/she was already gone. "Ah shit" I said to myself and I walked back inside closing the door. I let out a big sigh then I went on my phone and scroll through my contacts to see who could my secret admirer but couldn't be anyone of them.


Someone was knocking on the door and I got excited. I opened the door and it was steph my mom and my boss. "Ugh..." I said "nice to see you hon" steph said "how are you doing?" Steph asked "to be honest I'm trying to find out my secret admirer but no luck" I said "aww I wish we could tell you who it is" steph said "you know who it is?" I asked "me and your dad and your friends know" steph said "who is it???" I said excitedly "you have to find out" steph said "can you give me a hint at least" i said "you have figure it out by yourself" steph said. "Wow mom I've been such good daughter to you and this what you do to me" I said "I raised you and this how act to me" steph said "ok I'm sorry" I said "well I gotta go" steph said and she kissed my head and lefted.

After my mom lefted I'm still wondering how could it be but I couldn't think of anyone. When I find that person I know his going to the one that knows my heart.

*couple weeks later*

I still haven't found my secret admirer but i think I know who it is. Its probably roman that's all I could think of. But I'm not sure its roman. So I arrived to smackdown and I saw roman so I walked over to him "hey roman weird question but are you my secret admirer?" I said "" roman said confused "oh okay" I said. I walked over to my friends and they watching seth vs miz on the tv "hey guys" I said "hey gurl" naomi said and they all looked at me excitedly. Seth was done with his match then he grabbed the mic.


"I need to tell you guys something and its important" I said on the mic "I'm in love with someone...and I've always have been in love with her. I will do anything to be with her even if I have to wait decade to be with her. I love her" I said on the mic "you guys want to know who she is?" I said on the mic the crowd was chanting ''YES! YES! YES!''. "Its sasha banks" I said and my heart was pounding so fast.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter!

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