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I woke up to roman getting ready so he could go workout. "Hey baby" I said to him "hey beautiful" he said and he leans in to kiss me and I kissed him back "workout?" I asked "yeah you wanna come?" He asked "yup" I said "well then get ready" he said and I got out of bed to get ready. Then we arrived to the WWE gym and I got out of car looking hot asf to be honest and we walked inside holding hands and I see the girls and seth and dean working out "hey ladies" he said to the girls and they turned around and they rolled their eyes at me "roman what are you doing with her?" Nia asked him "me and sas- " I covered Roman's mouth and he licked my hand "eww" I said while wiping my hand on him "were dating" he said and everyone went silent and then dean walked to me "you said you loved me" dean said "and me" seth said while walking up to me "sasha?!" Roman said "shit my life is fucked up" I said "pretty much" carmella said "i cant believe you!" Roman said "roman..." I said "were done" he said "i gave you the best 24 hours of your life" roman said "to be honest your not great" I said and nia punched me in the face. I couldn't feel anything and all could see was dark.


When I punched sasha in the face she wasnt responding. Did I just kill my bosses daughter. I was in complete shocked. "Shit!" I said "call 911!" Nikki shouted and brie called 911. The ambulance showed up and sasha was taken to the hospital. "OMG! I DID I JUST KILL HER!" I said and I was crying "nia you didnt kill her, okay" natalya said to me "she gonna to be alright" bayley said to me and I nod. The doctor came to us "sasha is critical state due to her concussion but the weird thing is sasha already had a concussion" the doctor said and everyone was shocked "I dont think she is going to make it..." the doctor said to us and the doctor left "shit!!!" Brie said "now I'm regretting what i said to her" Charlotte said tearing up. Everyone started to cry because we regretted what we said to her even if what she did was wrong but deep down she was still are friend no matter what.


Steph and Triple H came rushing in the hospital and they see the girls and the boys walks towards them. "Is my daughter okay?!?!?!" Steph said freaking out "umm....umm....she is critical state due to a concussion she already had" brie said with her voice cracking "concussion? She never told us she had concussion?!" Triple H said "she didnt tell us either" dean said. Everyone was crying and freaking out. Then doctor came "you guys can come see and have your final moments with her" the doctor said. They all go inside sasha room and cried again.

Back to sasha P.O.V

It feels like I'm trapped in my damn mind and I'm awake but I cant open my eyes. I DESERVE all of this because of the choices I made this my fault, EVERYTHING IS MY FAULT!!! I just wish everything would go back to normal!!! Come on sasha wake up!!! Wake up!!! Wake up!!!!. I open my eyes a little bit and I see everyone crying and i sat up "guys I'm not dead!" I slightly shouted and they jumped and got scared "shit banks!" Everyone said "what? I'm not going that easily" I said and I chuckled a bit "Mercedes Justine McMahon you scared the hell out of me when I got that phone call" my mom said "cant take a little scare steph" I said and everyone laughs a bit "whatever Mercedes" steph said "if I die I want to sasha banks instead of my real name" I said "noted" Triple h said and the doctor came inside "sasha?" The doc said "yeah" I said "how did you get a concussion?" The doc said and everyone was staring at me "that's to personal to talk about" I said "come on sasha the doc is trying to help you" brie said and everyone said yeah "I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT PLEASE!" I shouted everyone went silent and looked at concern and got up from the bed "where do you think your going?!" Steph said "home" I said "no your not, your injured" the girls said to me "so what?" I said "sasha you need to stay here for couple days so we check on you" the doc said "look I've been in worse shape than this" I said "Mercedes" steph said "yeah" I said "get ass in bed because your not leaving" steph said "I am 27 years old and I dont need to listen to anyone" I said. "Mercedes Justine McMahon you better your ass down or else" steph said "or else what" I said and my mom raised her eyebrow at me and got back in bed and started to rest. Since I was hospital my mom stayed with me and took care of me and my dad and my friends visited me almost every day.



I was at the gym working out and I see seth and I couldn't help my self so I walked over seth "hey sethie" I said "hey sasha" he said but he didnt look at me and I left and lately the boys haven't even looked at or even had conversation with me. I left the gorilla and went to go for the girls "hey girls" I said "hey" nikki said "okay look if your still mad at me then I get it" I said and they shrugged. I went to do my makeup and saw sarath designing the gears and he walked up to me and I walked away from him then he grabbed me and pulled me into the Janitor's Closet "did you tell them how you got a concussion?!" He said squeezing my wrist really tight "oww your hurting me" I said "good, now did you tell them" he said "no I didn't" I said "you better not" he said and he started beating me "if you tell any about this I'm only going to hurt you" he said and he lefted and ran to the bathroom quick as possible and locked the door then people start knocking and I was so much pain that I couldn't reapply my makeup and then I heard the door unlocked and it was the girls and they looked at me concern "what the hell?" Carmella said "did someone hurt you?!?!" Bayley said "who fucking hurt you?! Becky said "who did this to?!" Nia said "come on sash you need to tell us" paige said "were are here for you" brie said "we just want to help sash" natalya said "just tell us boo" naomi "come on sash" alexa said grabbing my wrist and she saw the hand marks on my wrist "okay..." I said "but promise you won't tell anyone or do anything" I said "what?!" Paige said "are you serious right now" bayley said "boo we cant promise that" naomi said and everyone shaking their heads "please guys" i said and everyone nodded "it was sarath" I said and everyone looked like they were going to beat him up "and that's how you got a concussion?" Nikki asked "yeah" I said "look were gonna here for you even if we are still mad at you" Natayla said "thanks guys" I said and I reapply my makeup on then the girls lefted.

I walked outside from the bathroom then I saw sarath and I ran as fast i could then he started chasing me then I started to run faster until I lost him. I bumped into dean and he looked concerned "hey banks you okay?" He asked "I...i....i..." I said with shaky voice and I started crying  "hey...hey...its okay" he said and pulled me into his arms "shhh...its okay" he said and i stopped crying "do you want to tell me why you look so scared?" He asked "you dont have to answer that question" he said "its okay" I said "sarath abused me and that's why I divorced him but he beat me again earlier and then he started chasing me" I said fast and he kissed my head and the girls came along "hey guys what going on?" Paige said "sarath" dean said "oh you told him?" Nikki asked then I nod. Dean started looking for sarath and I could tell that he was angry.


I was looking for sarath and I was so fucking pissed what sarath did to sasha.
And I found sarath in hall talking to the New Day and I punched sarath straight in the and I broke his nose and I start punching and kicking continuously sarath and all men separated me from,  sarath then Steph and Triple H came along "WHAT HELL IS GOING ON?!?" Triple H said then sasha came along "SASHA TELL THEM!" I said "Mercedes what's going on?!" Steph said "Nothing" sasha said "what the hell sasha?" I said "please just say it and I will protect you because I love you" I said "you do?" Sash asked "yes" I said "tells us what's going on" Triple H said and sasha walks up to sarath who was on the ground "he hurt me" sasha said and everyone was listening "he beat me" sasha said "He abused me for a long time!" Sasha shouted and started crying "I dont know why I stayed with him when he was  beating me" sasha said "I cant keep it a secret anymore because I'm tired of feeling scared for my life every day" sasha said and she ran into my arms and we kissed "and thanks to you" sasha said and police came to arrest sarath and I was still holding sasha in my arms.


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