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Me and my wife stephanie arrived at raw when we got there I got notified by the bank that i wrote $1,500 check yesterday but the weird thing is that I didn't write the check so now I'm wondering who wrote the check. So I see stephanie in the hall talking to Paul Heyman so I walked up to her "hey steph can I talk to you for minute?" I asked her and Paul left "okay what do you what to talk to me about?" Steph asked me "did write $1,500 check yesterday?" I asked her "no why?" She asked "because the bank notified me that someone wrote $1,500 check under my name" I said to her and she looked confused for second "who would do that?" She asked "I dont know but I need to find out who did" i said.


The girls arrived at RAW and definitely looked scared because they thought if stephanie and triple h were gonna find out what they did. The girls were at the gorilla running the ropes for their matches tonight and seth was working out but he couldn't keep his off sasha like for free seth kept staring at sasha while she was running the ropes and the girls expect sasha knew that seth had huge crush on sasha but roman came and saw sasha "hey sash you what me to run ropes with you?" Roman asked her "yeah sure" she said to roman then roman got in the ring and started running the ropes with her and seth looked so frickin jealous and he left the gorilla. The girls knew that seth was jealous even if seth and sasha weren't a couple. Dean came in the gorilla "hey banks" dean shouted at sasha then sasha stopped and roman accidentally bumped into sasha and knocking sasha down "banks!" Dean shouts and dean and the girls runs to sasha who is on the ground. Dean helps sasha up and her nose bleeding "you good?" Dean's said to her "I'm okay" sasha said "your nose is bleeding" dean said and sasha wipes the blood from her nose "it's just blood" sasha said. Steph and Triple H walks in the gorilla "oh shit my parents" sasha said and she hid behind the girls. Steph and Triple H walks towards the girls and the shield "hey have you guys seen Mercedes?" Steph asked.


I was hiding behind the girls, "achoo" I sneezed "what was that?" My mom asked "that...that was my..." nikki said "her phone!" Alexa said "yup that was my phone" nikki said nervously and I couldn't help but laugh a lit bit "now I definitely heard something" my dad said "yeah, what's going on here?!" My mom said "Ah shit!" I slightly shouted and girls moved away from me and I was facing the back "Mercedes Justine McMahon what are you doing?!" My mom said and I turned around and she gasped when she saw me all banged up "what the hell happened to you?!" My said walking towards me and touching my black eye "mom stop!" I said then we all got notify from social that some posted a video of me fighting that stupid bitch and me getting arrested yesterday and everyone looked at their phone's "shit!" I said to myself and parents looked at me angrily "my office now" my mom said "mom-" she cuts me off "NOW!!!" my mom shouted at us. We all walked to her office and I could that the girls and the boys were scared for their careers "so you got arrested and one of you forged my signature to bail her out?!" My dad said angrily and we all nod "so who forged my signature" my dad said but we stayed silent "WHO DID IT!" My dad shouted at us and my mom was calming him down "it was me" seth said "and why did you do that??" My mom asked him "because...." seth said "because me and seth are dating!" I shouted and everyone looked at me confused "we all know you wouldn't date anyone from wwe" my mom said "oh yeah" I said and walked up to seth and kissed him and he kissed me back and we stopped and stared at each other "okay guys look if this happens again, you will be fired" my mom said "you guys can leave now" my dad said and we left the office and parted our ways. Me and the girls went to women locker room "what was that sasha?" Carmella asked me "yeah boo you guys both stared into each other's eyes for like a long time" naomi said "do you even have feelings for seth?" Nia asked me "well...after that kiss...yeah" I said nervously "damn girl" alexa said "what?" I said "you know he is dating becky right?" Paige said "damn it! I forgot he has a girl" I said "but to be honest I always did have a tiny crush on seth" I said "well he dating becky, your bestfriend" bayley said "girl I thought I was your bestfriend" brie said "all of you are" I said "so are gonna tell becky?" Natalya asked me "well no and neither are you guys" I said to them and I know everyone is going tell but they forgot one more thing this is my last card for the year "you guys ain't going to tell her" I said "why?" Nikki asked "because i playing my bestfriend card!" I said and they looked at me in shocked "i thought you didnt have any cards" alexa said "this is my last one" i said "you sure you want to play your last card?" Nia asked me "yes I'm sure" I said "you know if you play this card we can't keep any of your secrets from now on, right" bayley told me "I know and I'm playing it!" I said while hitting the table with hand.


I walked with the boys to the men's locker room and I couldn't stop thinking about sasha "guys I think I like sasha" I said "how can you like sasha when your dating becky?" Dean asked me "that kiss was....was magical" I said "well seth, sasha isn't ready to date anyone" roman told me "look I dont care if I have to wait a decade to be sasha because I love her and no one stopping me" I said "what about becky?" Roman asked "now there is something stopping me" I said "so what are you going to do?" Dean asked "I dont know" I said.



I was in the ring then I heard dean's theme song play and the crowd went legit wild. "Sasha congrats on your win tonight and I heard your looking for partner for your mixed tag match next week" dean said to me "yeah what about it?" I asked then dean came walking down the ramp and walked inside the ring "I want to be your partner for the mixed tag match" dean said and crowd was chanting DEAN! SASHA! "You know what sure you can be my partner" I said and I kissed dean and he kissed me back i felt so happy but I also felt happy when I kissed seth. Renee looked so pissed and took off the headset and came marching to the ring and she slapped me across my face and crowd shouted oooohhh! And I slapped her back and I left the ring and I went backstage and right cheek was sore and red from the slap that renee gave me but I didn't care because i felt in love with dean and also seth. I ran to the girls they looked at me shocked "so you guys did watch the match" I said "what the hell sasha first seth then dean but at least renee knows you kissed dean but becky doesn't" nikki said to me and we didn't know that Charlotte and bayley and becky were in the room "sasha you kissed seth?!?!" Becky said and I turned around and I saw becky crying "becky look..." I said "for once in your life sasha shut the fuck up!" Becky said angrily and we were all shocked by becky "why sasha?! why?!" becky said "its was accident" I said and renee showed up "really an accident" renee said "yeah I never meant to hurt you guys" I said "oh really sasha? You didnt mean to hurt bayley, Charlotte, brie, natayla, nikki, paige, naomi, nia, carmella" renee & becky said "what are they talking about?!" Bayley said "oh you didnt tell them either well let me-" I cut becky off "becky dont-" becky cuts me off "dont "dont" me" becky said "sasha fucked all of your man's and we couldn't tell you guys cause pulled the bestfriend card" becky said and everyone gasped and in shocked expected sasha, renee, becky "sasha is this true" bayley said in sad voice "yeah....look guys im-" Charlotte cuts me off "when sasha?" Charlotte said "huh?" I said "you heard me when did this happened!" Charlotte said "8 months ago" I said "and you made us feel sorry for you since you and sarath got divorced!" Nikki said "guys look I'm really sorry" I said with my voice cracking "your sorry! Sorry my ass!" Naomi said "guys I can explain" I said with my voice cracking "explain what! you lied to us and you betrayed us and you fucked with our mans behind are back" carmella said "the rumors are true, sasha banks only cares about sasha banks...your just selfish little bitch" nia told me "you made all of us believe that your are our friend when really weren't" alexa told me "I am your friend" I said tearing up "real friends dont stab you in the back" paige said "guys please..." I said crying "let's just go guys we dont need her, we never needed her!" Natalya said. Everyone left me and I started balling my eyes out, I really fucked up this time.


I was looking for sasha and I see all of the girls upset then I found sasha in this empty room crying. "hey sasha you good?" I asked her and she turned around and went into my arms and started crying again "dont leave me please" she said in sad voice "I won't" I said and I hugged her tight and kiss her head "I promise" i said to her "thank you" she said and she looked at me and I kissed her and she kissed back "sasha I'm in love with you always have and always will be" I said "me too" she said and she kissed me again.

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