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Do you think sasha and dean are gonna last long???

5 months later

Sasha P.O.V

I was laying in bed with dean while we were watching old WWE matches. "Ohhh!" Dean said "your so cute I love you" I said "love you more" dean said then we kissed. "I have a surprise for you tonight on raw" dean said "a surprise?" I said excitedly "yup you have to wait and see" he said. I so frickin happy but kinda scared about the surprise.



When I saw sasha and dean arrived to raw together it just made me feel sad because sasha is the love of my life. I know I should've just been there for her like dean was but I was caught up with my emotions because she didn't even choose me to be with her but today I'm gonna show her that me and her are meant to be.

Roman P.O.V

I was staring at sasha and I couldn't take my eyes off her it is just sasha is the most badass and most prettiest and most sweetest girl out there and I blew my chances with her. Then nia and alexa walk up to me "stop staring at sasha" alexa said "I cant help it" I said "look roman she is with dean now and is going to be with him forever" nia said "what do you mean forever?!" I asked then I looked at them "dean is going to propose tonight!" Alexa said with squeal "really lexi?!" Nia said to alexa "what?" Alexa said "its suppose to be surprise" nia said "wow I cant believe dean going to propose" I said in shocked "yeah so dont screw it up because we know you have feelings for sasha" alexa said "dont you dare try to tell you have feelings for her because sasha has gone through lot so dont SCREW IT UP" nia said then they walked away. When I looked back at sasha she was gone then I realized something I'm going to show sasha that me and her meant for each other.

Dean P.O.V

Tonight is the night I am going to propose to sasha in her hometown. I'm so happy that I get to propose to the love of my life tonight. Everyone never expected me and sasha to be together and they thought that we would never last long but I am going to prove everyone wrong because me and sasha are going to last forever.

Sasha P.O.V

I am so excited to see what is my surprise from dean! Then I went to go look for the girls and they were eating. "Guys!" I said while walking over to them "what!" Nikki said "jeez see this why you are the bitchy one in the group" I said and the rest of girls laughed, "do you guys know the surprise from dean is???" I asked "nope" carmella said "oh okay" I said then I lefted.

Nikki P.O.V

When sasha lefted, "I bet you $50 that sasha will say no" I said "I bet $50 she says yes" carmella said "I bet you $50 she will say yes" brie said "me and natalya bet $50 for a yes" naomi said "me and alexa bet $50 she says yes" nia said "I change mine to $200" I said "wth nikki?" Brie said "what?" I said "that's a lot of money" carmella said "idc" I said.

Roman P.O.V

I found sasha in the hall and walk up to her "hey sasha" I said "hey roman" she said "I need to tell you something" I said "sure what's up" she said "I'm in love you" I said and she was in shock when I told her "aww roman..." she said then she kissed me. The girls came to separate us "what the hell roman!" Nia said "stop getting sasha confused" natayla said "get her confused" nikki said then paige slapped her arm "sasha do you have feelings for roman?" Brie asked sasha "yeah I think I do" sasha said "no you dont!" Alexa said "roman!!!" Carmella said and she slapped me on my arm "what??" I said "she is supposed to be with dean not you or seth!" Paige said "sasha can be with anyone" nikki said and brie slaps the back nikki head "oww!" Nikki said "I'm sorry sasha I didn't mean to" I said "it's fine" sasha said "see its fine" I said "NO!" brie said "you belong with dean" carmella said "you guys bet it on me again" sasha said "yeah" paige said. Everyone leaves.

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