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A/N: enjoy this chapter!

Sasha P.O.V

When said my name I was in total shocked. "Sasha please come out" seth said on the mic. I ran to the curtain then my theme song started to play and I walked out to the ramp "seth are you really my secret admirer?" I said on the mic "yes I'm the one who knows your heart" seth said on the mic. I got into the ring "seth I love you" I said on the mic "I really love you" i said on the mic. "I love you to" seth said on the mic then both dropped the mic's and he pulled me into kiss and I kissed him back. We both walked backstage holding hands. The girls said "awwwww" and I smiled at their awwwww's. "Mercedes I love so much" seth said "I love you to colby" I said. "I'm glad we dont have to keep this secret anymore" alexa said "I know my mom told me you guys knew that Colby was secret admirer" I said. "So seth is sasha your girlfriend or no" paige said "if she wants to be" seth said. They all looked at me. "Yes I will be your girlfriend" I said. We kissed.

*I went with seth to his hotel room*

I walked inside I hoped on his bed. "Let's watch anime" I said "okay my anime nerd" seth said and kissed my head. I put on anime and we started watching.

Seth P.O.V

Me and sasha were watching anime. Sasha was asleep in my arms. I kissed her head gently cause I didnt want to wake her. Then I fell asleep.

*next day*

I woke up and sasha was still asleep so i got out of the bed carefully trying not to wake her. I took shower and I got ready in my gym clothes. Then i got back in bed and I gave sasha kiss then she woke up "hi baby" I said "hey sethie" sasha said "where are you going?" Sasha asked "I'm going to the gym do you want to come?" I asked "yeah" sasha said. Sasha took shower and got ready in her gym clothes "let's go" sasha said "wait" I said. I grabbed my jacket and tied the jacket around her waist "i dont want anyone to look at my girl sexy ass" i said and she laughed "let's go" sasha said. We arrived to the gym. Sasha was working out and these dudes were looking at her in flirty way and I walked over to sasha "hey baby" I said and i kissed her. The guys lefted and sasha laughed "I like that your overprotective of me" sasha said "your mine and just mine" I said. Sasha smiled and we kissed.

*later tonight*

"Mercedes get ready I'm taking you out on a date" I said "where are we going?" Sasha asked "someplace special" I said. I got ready. I was wearing black tuxedo and she came out from wearing a short black dress and there a bit of too much skin showing "does this looks nice?" Sasha asked "yeah it does but to much skin so can you go change please" I said "fine" sasha said. She changed to long black dress and she looked so beautiful. "Do I look nice?" Sasha asked "you look beautiful" I said and I couldn't stop staring at her. "Aww baby" sasha said then she walked up to me and I kissed her and she kissed back. I took sasha to her favorite place to eat which I was yard house.


We were sitting at the table. "Why are dressed fancy if we are here" sasha said
"Because I have something special for you and it's not proposal" I said "oh okay, what is it?" Sasha said "its surprise" I said "sethie" sasha whined "just got to wait and find out" I said. So we order our food and sasha practically order the whole entire menu and I just ordered New York steak with mash potatoes after we finished eat. I took sasha to my beach house.

*at seth beach house*

"Why are we here?" Sasha asked "cause" I said then I took outside to the beach
"Let's go for swim" I said. We started to undress ourselves and we went into the water. "Your so fucking adorable" sasha said and we started swimming around together. I was kissing her weak spots and sasha was moaning "you know that those are weak spots" sasha said "and your my weakness" I said. Sasha smiled. Her smile is everything just seeing her happy is just wonderful. I'm glad sasha is mine. After we finished swimming we back in the house and started showering together. "Seth?" Sasha said while walking out of the bathroom in towel and I was in my boxers "can I borrow your clothes?" sasha said and I gave my one of my black tshirts and i gave her one of my boxers to wear. Sasha hoped in bed and she fell asleep fast. I fell asleep after her.

*next morning*

Sasha P.O.V

I woke up and seth was still asleep. So I started stroking his hair. Last night was fun with seth. He such a cutie. He is the best. He is so romantic. He is my everything. So I got up and I went downstairs to make breakfast for seth while i making breakfast. I heard seth coming. And he put his arms around my waist "hey baby" seth said "hey sethie" I said "what are you making?" Seth asked "bacon and eggs and pancakes" I said "that's gonna be delicious" seth said. I finished cooking and we ate at the table "this is so good" seth said with his mouth full "glad you like it" I said "you know what else I like" seth said. I started to blush "whip cream on my pancakes" seth said and he started to laugh "your so" I said "I'm so what?" Seth said "your so cute" I said "your beautiful" seth said.

*2 weeks later at Raw*

Me and sasha arrived at raw. Steph told that me and sasha are going to do storyline together. I got so excited to be in storyline with my love.

Sasha P.O.V

When my mom told us that me and seth were going to be in storyline. I was so excited. I think Colby is the one! Seth made me realize that I should've chose him from the very beginning. Seth perfect for me. I dont know why people says he's is bad news like becky dated him and he wasnt bad news for her. So I dont know...

A/N- wait to see what's going to happen next chapter

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