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As we were running, suddenly I heard barking

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As we were running, suddenly I heard barking. "Dogs!" I frowned, upsetly. This was even worse, they could smell us and get us sooner than the police. "This way!" I called at Lily, who was running behind me, completely following me. We turned left, but unforunately found out we're on the edge without a way to escape. I looked down. There were some trees, which would actually catch us, if we fallen, but definitely not for both. I checked the greatest one and then looked over Lily. "They got their footprint!" I heard coming voices and louder barking.

I quickly took Lily's arm and nodded her over that tree "You's have to jump." She shooked head for no, looking frightened at the tree "You'll be fine. Just climb on it." As she seen coming dogs, her eyes widen with even bigger fear than from the tree, so sadly nodded. She slowly walked on the top of edge, close as possible to that tree. Then she catched one of these branches and swung on the tree. "Good, now climb down. We'll meet there, fine?" I called at her, as I watched her, slowly trying climb down.

Then I turned back and saw officers coming closer and closer. I sighed, looking down and knew I'll have to climb that rock on my own. I studied how firmly pieces of rocks are and then slowly climbed down. I've always turned at tree, checking, if Lily is fine. I was stunned how courage she actually is. After all she had to went through today and now how she totally trusted me. If only she just talked..Suddenly I heard coming noises from sky. It was helicopter and inside was that bearded officer. And held gun!

"Lily! Hide behind that tree!" I shouted at her, as I noticed she's almost down. She looked over the sky and jumped from the tree to be faster down. "I got him!" Polive officer called and shoted. I quickly turned, to not get shot, almost slipped. "Teasle said no shoting!" Helicopter driver called at him, but he totally ignored him and still kept on shooting at me. Fortunately missed. "Closer!" he pointed and I've realized he will propably kill me. I couldn't hide or anything, I could just hang out there.

Then I turned back at trees down. "Now you're screwed up" Police officer mumbled as he was prepared to shot. I looked at him last time and before he could shot, I jumped on the tree. I felt into these branches and yelled out from pain, as they cutted me on body, mostly my arm, which started terribly bleed. I felt on ground from tree, yelling from pain. I couldn't move, but as I seen the helicopter coming, I slowly hid behind, holding my bleeding arm.

I've heard how the helicopter is coming down. "Hey soldier-boy!" he suddenly called at me. I wanted turn, but as I did, Lily pushed me at ground and as he shoted, she get it in her leg. "Lily!" I yelled as I saw that. "You're fucking insane?! Boss said we need her full!" Helicopter driver hysterically shouted as he seen that. I upsetly grabbed one of these rocks around and threw it on that helicopter. It broke the window and as the helicopter shaked, police officer slipped from it and with scream felt down from the helicopter. He died immediately.

I widen my eyes about that, but my interest had Lily. I gently took her in my arms, checking her leg. It was bleeding, same as my arm, but I didn't cared about that. "Why have you's done that? He've could kill you" I said. Then she softly looked into my eyes "To protect you." She spoke..she finally spoken to me! I was shocked in first, but then I actually realized what she as actually said. Whole 7 years I actually didn't get protected, even by own friends, but this little soul, just risked her own life for me.

"So you's finally talk with me?" I asked softly, although I wanted say much more, but couldn't find right words. "I do" she sighed, sweetly. Her voice sounded just like angel's. She seemed, she want to tell me something, but then we both turned again up "Gosh! Look!" These police officers seen corpse of that bearded one. He was totally smashed. "Get that bastard, he won't be far!" One of these called and I turned of the tree, letting Lily lying on ground, safe between trees.

I walked from the trees, raising my hands up "One man died, not by my fault. I don't want others!" The sheriff shouted at me "Stay where you are! Give up!" I called at him, desperately upset "But I haven't done anything!" He frowned"I'm warning you. I'll smash your skull!" I shouted "I haven't done anything!" He took gun and started to shot. I get it on side of my shoulder! "No! Stop it!" Lily called as she limped to me. "Fuck stop! We need her alive!" Sheriff ordered as Lily apperead next to me "And he get it! Let's get down!" I held my already enough bleeding arm and by next arm held Lily, running away.

We get around the waterfall, back inside the woods. We get enough far, but I felt really weak, because of losing too much blood. And Lily's leg looked being worse too. I knelt between some bushes and took my knife. In handle of it, I fortunately still had thread and needle for whiles like this. I tried sow it, but my hand was too muscular and I couldn't clearly see the wound. "Let me" Lily suddenly said, taking it on her own. I was in first surprised, but as she took it and started sow, I realized she's doing it well and in a while I had sewn wound and even shoulder as well.

"But your leg" I said as I seen her still bleeding knee. She used it all for my wounds, but totally forgot about her own ones. She suddenly torned piece of her T-shirt and bangaged her knee as well. I just stared at her, whole of surprise how clever she actually is. She turned at me "I'm not that psycho, they say. I'm just hurted. That's all.." I replied, smiling a little "I know you's not." She sadly looked over me "Why did you took me with you? Why do you protect me?"

"And why you's risked your life for me? Why did you's cure me?" I asked her other questions, staring to her two beautiful eyes. I guess she was little surprised of the questions, but then softly replied "You're good man, Johnny. You really are." I looked at her warmly. After all the injustice I went through my life and all cruel lies about me, this girl could change my view at everything just in a while. I've never been in contact with any woman, than from my family, this was the first. And even I've never been talking or friendly type, still this loving face made me and I felt, after long time, some warmth in me.

"Thank you, Lily" I said after all, even I repeatly wanted tell her more. She warmly nodded. "I worry they'll return" she suddenly said, looking around. "You's don't be afraid. Now I'm going to be the law" I said and she confusingly looked at me. I standed up, looking around the wood, for things, that would help. It was time for the hunting..

Here we are with new chapter! This was such a FUN, but WORK write haha. I wanted use enough familiarities from movie and enough potrayal of my OC. So yeah, it's may not that good, but tried my best. Finally our OC Lily speaks lmao! In the end I tried make it kinda cute, so I hope it turned that way to you. Also what are your opinions on the GIF, could be better huh? Anyway I hope you enjoyed at least a bit and I apologize for all my mistakes. Thank you so much for reading and leave me here some comments xoxo

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