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I've been waiting in one of bushes, checking all these national guards trucks

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I've been waiting in one of bushes, checking all these national guards trucks. Then I jumped on one of these, getting in. The driver, yelled out from shock. I grabbed my knife, putted it close to his neck and pointed him to be silent. "Don't look at me. Look at the road!" I nodded at him with knife "That's how accidents happen." He continued driving, shaking of fear from me. "What's your name?" I asked him. "R-obert A" he replied, mumbling.

"Okey Robert A, what do you got in back?" I asked him, checking the truck. "M60 Cathart" he mumbled. "Okey Robert get out" I said, opening the trucker. "Please I got no beef with you!" he called, but really I didn't cared. "Go! Get out!" I shouted, throwing him out of the truck. When he was gone, I started to drive on my own. But I was immediately noticed by cop car behind me. I upsetly sighed turning on road, trying to escape them.

They were surpringly fast and they get quickly in same speed. Then they started to shot! I knew it. I knew it, they wouldn't keep their promise, if I gave up, they would still try to kill me. These shitcops! I always turned down and they missed. I needed get them out of the road. I've been pushing to their car repeatly and then finally noticed a chance of get them away. I've seen lonely car on right right, so I pushed to the cop car even more and turned as they get in the car and been pushed by his explosion. Car and may even the cops were damaged in a while.

I've been calmer after and continued on the road to town. As I was coming closer, I've recognized a bridge, where that asshole sheriff arrested me. And on the other side, many other cops, waiting for me so they could start shot. I couldn't get back now, it was a massive risk. I continued driving and hoped, they going to miss. They started shot as I didn't stopped, but fortunately they weren't that great in shoting as I was, so they missed me and I get through them easily.

They shouted at me and continued shoting, but I ignored it, turning down to not get shot. After a while, I was on road again alone and been even faster to get in town sooner. It was getting dark and I finally get to pump, next to town. I stopped and checked my weapons. It was enough to get that sheriff and his others cops, finally bring my beloved Lily in safety. I loaded them and then burned down the empty pump. It was a sign for these bastards to notice me.

And as I excepted, it didn't took that much, in a moment, I've noticed running cops from the station, upsetly searching for me. I burned down few of cars around what made them to run on another side. And for my another luck it way dark night, so I easily hid in shadows of houses, prepared to shot. But as I noticed, they were without that sheriff. "He start it, I'll finish it" I thought, loading my gun. I didn't wanted hurt these other cops, neither they wanted even kill me for sure. All I wanted was get that sheriff and kill him. For all the torture he made my dear Lily went through. Me as well, but all I cared about was Lily. This time, I'll not leave her.

I quietly ran around two cops cars, running to police station. I tried to get closer, but as I excepted there were cops around as well. I annoyingly sighed, looking around. Then I checked ladder leading to the roof of the station. I carefully went around them and started to climb. As I've been up, I noticed the roof is actually glass. I tried to be still quiet and careful, so I could get in and save Lily. I wanted try the exit door, but then "Well, well. What do have here."

I turned with gun, shocked. It was that shitcop sheriff! I turned my gun at his head, upsestly meeting his eyes. "I knew you're going to appear. Who would think you could care that much about a psycho, huh" he smirked. "She isn't psycho" I said and shoted his leg. He yelled out from pain, touching the bleeding knee. "That's all you can do, you bastard?!" he shouted, trying shot me as well. But before he would I pushed him upsetly at roof, which immediately broke. He felt down and I jumped behind him.

He groaned, so upset about the pain, trying to escape me. I let him lying on ground and started looking around. "Lily! Lily!" I called, searching for her, fully desperated. No answer, no sign, simply nothing. "Where is Lily?! What have you done to her?!" I yelled at the sheriff, putting gun on his head. He just smirked, evily chuckling. "Y-ou're coming late" he muttered with rotten smile.

At the moment I felt like my heart stopped beating and I just froze. Realizing his words. This incerdible pain, I've get from this, torned me in thousand pieces. "YOU BASTARD!" I yelled painfully upset, prepared to shot him straight to his head, but then a known voice apperead behind me "Rambo! Rambo, don't do it!" I turned and saw Trautman, walking over.

Here we are with new chapter! It's been a while, since I last updated, but here's finally the result. It's little shorter, but I wasn't sure what I should do with it lol. I'm really not good in this fighting stuff to write, but as always, I tried potrayl it the best, so hope it turned out that way to you. I guess we're almost at the end, just 2 chapters left. Also the GIF should look better, but I'm being rusty in manips on my new program haha. Anyway I hope you enjoyed at least a bit and I apologize for all my mistakes. Thank you so much for reading and leave me here some comments xoxo

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