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Trautman was walking over, turning my attention from the sheriff

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Trautman was walking over, turning my attention from the sheriff. "There's 200 nearly men out there and a lot of M16s" he said "Covered buildings, no exit. It's over, Johny!" But I ignored him and wanted turn back to that sheriff, but he grabbed my weapon, before I even could. "You understand?! The mission is over" he said, but that made me even more upset about the entire situation.

"Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me, I didn't ask you! And I did what I had to do to win! But somebody wouldn't let us win! And I come back to the world and I see all those maggots at the airport, protesting me, spitting. Calling me baby killer and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to protest me? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!" I shouted at him.

"It was a bad time for everyone, Rambo. It's all in the past now" Trautman said, trying calm me down. "FOR YOU! For me civilian life is nothing! In the field we had a code of honor, you watch my back, I watch yours. Back here there's nothing!" I shouted desperately. "You're the last of an elite group, don't end it like this" Trautman muttered.

"Back there I could fly a gunship, I could drive a tank, I was in charge of million dollar equipment, back here I can't even hold a job PARKING CARS!" I yelled, throwing away my gun, falling slowly down and crying. I just couldn't held it anymore. Everything was freaking fucked up! "My friends, all I had, dead! And now even Lily..Lily's gone because of me!" I cried "All she wanted was being safe, I promised that and then just left her! I promised I'll protect her, but I freaking failed!!"

Trautman studied me, worried and surprised from my behavior. I sighed, trying to stop my crying "Sh-e was so innocent. Sh-e was all that matter..she seen, what others didn't..and anytime she touched me, I felt her warmth.." Trautman seemed confusingly melted from it, like he couldn't believe my incerdible care about her. He wanted to speak, but then that bastard sheriff gasped from surprise.

I couldn't see properly, because of my tears, but I could clearly see some running silhouette. Then my eyes finally widen and I felt I froze. "Johny..?" Angelic voice filled the air, coming slowly to me. "...Lily..?" I gasped, shocked. She warmly nodded, crying. It was her, my Lily! She was here! Alive, my Lily was alive and standed right before me! I slowly standed up, still softly staring. "Lily!" I said and started to cry again. This time I wasn't sure why, I felt these tears were from joy.

She softly smiled and ran to me, jumping into my arms. I grabbed her in my arms, hugging her tight and crying to her shoulder. "I knew you'll come for me" she warmly whispered, stroking my back and sobbing. "Always, Lily..always" I replied, stroking her wavy hair, trying not to cry that much. I couldn't believe the wonder that met me. All my life, all loses, all flashbacks, but she's safe in my arms. "Thanks God" I thought, gladly. Suddenly she turned of hug and softly looked into my eyes.

Then she, little uncertain, pulled closer to my face and closed her eyes. Softly kissing me. I first felt uncertain as well, but then slowly kissed her back. I've never get kiss before, I would never imagine, I would actually. But it felt so right, so warm. As she turned and her wet eyes searched again mine, she lovingly whispered "...I love you." I, completely melted, smiled at her, stroking her on face. This hitted me even more, than some shot. This rocked me into pieces as nothing. And the most outstanding fact at the moment was, how much I actually loved her back.

"I love you too, much" I gently replied and she warmly smiled after it, hugging me again. As I again hugged her, my view met with Trautman's. Even I thought he knows me the best, I've seen how surprised he was at the moment. He would never except that killing machine like I would being that loving and caring, because of girl. But he smiled little, he wished me, after all that torture, this.

"We shall go" Trautman said, nodding at the 200 cops which were still standing outside. I sadly nodded, because I knew what was about to follow. Lily took my hand and squeezed it. We walked together with Trautman outside, all cops pointing with gun at me, but as they seen Lily, they putted these down. "Lily!" Known male voice suddenly apperead. I've seen that man from the hunting bunch, running over. "Uncle!" Lily shouted happily as she seen him and as he apperead, hugged him. Then he turned at me, nodding gratefully "Thank you..thank you so much."

I nodded, taking back Lily's hand and looking back at Trautman. "Get these arms off! Can't you see that bastard hurted me?!" I've seen few cops, taking that assholic sheriff out from the station to car. "Talk about it with judge!" One of these said, pushing him in. I nodded about that, seeing the real bastard finally get what he deserved. I've seen Lily's calmer face after that and then her smile at me "Now they will prove your innocence. And-and you'll be finally free, Johny!" I smiled sadly about that, looking over Trautman.

There were still some damages, I had to pay for. Not sure about which kind of punishment follows, but sadly I'll have to go through some. I've nodded at Trautman to wait and squeezed both of Lily's hands. "Lily..we may will not see each other for a while" I started slowly "But I'll never be that far to not returning to you. I'll always return and find you. In any country, in any age..Anywhere." She looked very sad and little confused, but then gently stroked me on face "Promise?"

I smiled, nodding "Yeah." Then she slowly nodded and turned her hands from mine "I'll wait..always." I smiled about that and pulled her close last time, giving her kiss. She softly kissed me back and as we turned, she chuckled with huge sob. Then I nodded at her uncle, giving him her hand "Take care of her, until I return." He wrapped one arm around her, nodding. For the last time I looked into the most beautiful blue eyes and turned over Trautman. He pattered me on shoulder, pointing me to helicopter.

As I sat and looked over the window, Lily was still looking at me, warmly smiling. She looked still over me, till I dissapeared from her view. I remember so clearly the way she looked at me, like it was yesterday. If only I knew, that it was the last time, I've seen her. My beloved Lily..

Here we are with the penultimate chapter, you all been excited for! Rambo and Lily love story ending be like YEAAAH! I know it should be more properly written and may even more cute, but I tried write it the naturally good way and I guess it's not bad haha. Also the GIF was hard work, but it still didn't turned out the way I wished, after all, glad I made it there at least. AnywaysI hope you enjoyed this chapter at least a bit and I apologize for all my mistakes. Thank you so much for reading and leave me here some comments xoxo

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