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It was almost midnight and I was tired and tried my best to get some sleep

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It was almost midnight and I was tired and tried my best to get some sleep. I closed my eyes and felt asleep in a while. For a while I thought I'm going to sleep peacefully, but then "Covey leader calling raven." I widen my eyes in shock as I heard that. In first I wasn't sure, if it's real or I am halucinating. It was Trautman, it was really him! "Covey leader calling raven. Talk to me Johny" His voice appeared again. I sat and with shock, checked the transmitter.

"Indentify the Baker team..Rambo, Messner, Ortega, Colleta, Jorgensen, Danforth, Barry, Krakauer..confirmed. Talk to me Johny" he said and I slowly grabbed the transmitter, feeling uncertain. But then I painfully spoken "They're all gone, sir.." I was feeling even worse, facing this terrible fact. "Rambo! Are you alright? Over" he said and I quietly replied "They're all dead, sir. I'm the last one."

"Not Delmar Berit, he made it" Trautman said, but I sadly explained "He's dead too, sir. Cancer ate him down to the bone got himself killed it, didn't even know it." Trautman replied "I'm sorry, I didn't know it..Now look Johny we can't have you out there wasting friendly civilians" he said. "There a no friendly civilians" I frowned, remembering the way they all were pushing me around. "Well, I'm your friend Johny, I want to help you" he said. I wasn't sure about it that much. "Where you'd come from sir? I've searched for you in Bragg, but they didn't knew where to find you" I said.

"Well, I haven't been spending much time there, I've been shining a seat with my ass in Washington" he explained. "Look you've done everything to make this private war yourself." I upsetly replied "There wouldn't be war, if that kingshit cop wasn't there! All I wanted was something to eat, but that man kept pushing, sir.." He sighed "Well you've done some pushing on yourself, John. I'm gonna come in there and fly you the hell out." I was silent for a while, then I spoken "They drew first blood, not me..."

"John?!" Trautman said as he was excepting I'm ending. "They drew first blood.." I said and wanted turn it off, but then I heard another voices and strange noises. "I've told you so! Now this little psycho will talk!" I recoginzed the voice immediately. It was that assholic sheriff, but then, in shock, I recognized something else. Known female sobbing. "No.." I thought, I hoped with my whole heart it's not happening. "So you bastard, you want it this way, you get it! We have your little psycho girl righ there! But not for that long, till she going to be lobotomized!"

I gasped as I heard that. Lobotomized?! It was Lily's biggest nightmare, she already escaped from. They couldn't do this! Not to my darling Lily! "Lily! Lily!" I yelled out" Leave her alone!" He evily chuckled "It seems our soldier-boy is finally talking even to us. You have now choice. You'll immediately give up and have chance that girl will survive or she will be lobotomized and as you know, the posibility of her surviving is none!"

It seemed I'm hopeless. I couldn't do anything, just couldn't. Lily couldn't die, I couldn't let them to do it. I still heard her quiet crying and it made me heartbroken and desperate even more. This was my weakness..and they get it! "I will.." I whispered sadly. "What? Speak louder!" he smirked. "I will give up, if you let her go.." I said. "No..Johny!" I heard Lily's sweet voice, full of desperation. "Lily, it's gonna be fine, no one gonna hurt you's" I said, softly. "How sweet" That bastard smirked "But your psycho's life isn't fine, until you'll be there! So no stupid ideas, understand?!" I frowned, sad "Yeah...

Then all I heard was how their voices and everything slowly disappeared and I knew that this is my end. I couldn't fight, because I didn't knew where Lily actually is. I couldn't do anything, just giving up with hope, that Lily will be safe. As I was planning left the cover, I heard back in transmitter, Trautman's voice "Johny, this is insane! They will kill that girl anyway, you won't give up, understand?!"

I grabbed the transmitter back "I'll not let them even touch her! I'm coming for her!" Trautman replied "They have your location, you have to get of that cover now! They're planning to kill you, Johny! They already almost killed half of these hunters, that girl was with. You need escape from the woods, now!" I grabbed my knife, walking with the transmitter out "I can't! Sir, they won't kill her! I'll never let it happen!" Trautman sighed "I'll get her out of here, but you must stop this whole war, you've made. It's just about decision, Johny. You had never weakness, that girl is your first and you need get over it. You must-"

But he didn't finished, because it losed contact. I desperately looked at it and then back to woods, noticing bunch of cops walking over there. I threw the transmitter on ground and ran away. I had not many choices at the moment. Only hope, I'll somehow find them and by that find my dear Lily. I knew Trautman could stop this whole, if I gave up, but I needed to prove Lily is going to be safe. And I was the only real solution how to be sure. To get her back to me.

I still couldn't believe why they putted her in this anyway. How dare they would doing this to her. I felt so desperate and worried. My dearest Lily needed me, I promised I'll protect her, but this oblý showed how terrible I am. I just left her there, without thinking how these bastards could use it. And now she was in danger, all because of me.

As I was thinking, I suddenly noticed cars riding down the road. I knew these, they were used in Vietnam. In these, were used to be all kind of weapons, many weapons. I knew knife won't help me fight that much, so I needed better weapons. That car included everything...I've finally get some plan.

Here we are with new chapter! I'm really lazy lately, because I'm having new inspiration to another book, but still not having finished this one, so yeah. But I'll try finish it as soon as possible. There will be just few more chapters and the epilogue, I guess. Also my GIFs are getting terrible, because of my program, which going to be fixed in a week. Anyway I hope you enjoyed at least a bit and I apologize for all my mistakes. Thank you so much for reading and leave me here some comments xoxo

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