Rapunzel's Return

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"You saw all of this in the House of Yesterday's Tomorrows?" Rapunzel ask Cassandra. After hearing Cassandra tell her, Eugene and Judy of the reason why she took the moonstone for her own ways. And to be honest, she never expected it to come to this and of what Cassandra saw.

"I saw everything Rapunzel." Cassandra reply back, standing in the middle with rocks around her. Her looks have changed. Her armor turns into a black bodysuit with spikes and blue design like the rocks, her hair and eyes turn blue teal and the moonstone is in her chest. The rocks are glowing blue.

Eugene is glaring at Cassandra along with Pascal, while Judy looked shocked. "Cass, if what you're saying is true." Rapunzel began. "It means-"

Cassandra interrupted her. "It means that I'm Gothel's daughter and your destiny belongs to me." She stared hard at her, the rocks pop in and the moonstone flash lightning.

Eugene grab Judy by the shoulder and pull her close to him as they back away. Judy had a feeling after escaping from the House of Yesterday's Tomorrows that something was up with Casandra, and turns out she was right. Cassandra wasn't herself after what she witnessed and felt hurt of it. It was like after learning of Murlock and Quirin's past of their time on the Brotherhood and never tell her, making her feel lied to and hurt. But she could never guess that Gothel was Cassandra's mother, and to leave her like this. For now, all she can do is stay out of ways and not get hurt.

"Cass, we are friends." Rapunzel said to Cassandra, walking to her. "In fact, being Gothel's daughter that-that makes us closer than friends. It makes us sisters."

Cassandra let out a bitter chuckle. "Sisters?!" She asked as the moonstone release lightning. "My own mother chose you over me. My whole life, I've been cast aside for you." She points a finger at Rapunzel, who look saddened of this. "No more."

Judy's eyes widen of this. She struggled to break free. "Cassandra! You can't blame Rapunzel for what has happened to you!" She yelled.

"Shut up!!" Cassandra yelled at Judy, who flinched. "I had it with all of this! You of all people should know this Jude."

Suddenly, the door open and Lance spoke. "So what did we..miss?" He has his arms up, while Adria duck under to get in and Max follow suit.

"Lance, not now." Eugene whisper to him, holding Judy by wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Lance finch back and Max give out a neigh.

"Cassandra, please." Rapunzel begged. "Let me help you." She is close to Cassandra.

"Stay back!" Cassandra shouted. Rocks pop out to make Rapunzel back away.

She backed up a little, then she pulled an angry look on her face. She March up. "Cassandra, you've got to give me the moonstone. It is too dangerous." She order Cassandra. "the whole world is at-" but she was interrupted by Cassandra again.

"I said Stay Back!!" Cassandra shouted loud. And causes the rocks to pop out and push Rapunzel away.

Luckily, Rapunzel's Magic hair wrapped around her to block the rocks and she jumped back and landed by the gang. She lay down.

Eugene let Judy go and kneel down to his love's aid. He held her as she stared at him with a pained look. Eugene is really mad about this, can't believe his dear friend would do this to her. "Cassandra!!" He yelled. Pascal on his shoulder squeak mad and stare daggers at her.

Judy gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, watching in pure horror as Odette, being protected from inside Judy's jacket peek out and honk in pity. Judy looked at Cassandra, and what she saw surprised her. Cassandra look shocked by what she has done and by how she did it. Judy narrow her eyes, taking it in before Adria pull out her sword and ran to the end and fight Cassandra.

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