Chapter 34: Yūjō Festival Part 01.

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Narrator: Hanako woke up the next morning after another dream with the sun goddess, and got up from the bed to bathe herself in the pond, and got dressed in her sleeveless kimono dress, shorts, and sandals.

Narrator: Once Hanako was all dressed, she returned to the house where her parents were serving breakfast. Yuri: Good morning, Hanako-Chan? I hope you slept well, because the festival today is going to be huge. Daiki: Indeed, young one. Everyone in Japan will be there for the occasion, so you'll have to wear something different than what you're wearing now. Hanako: Have I've been asked to do the royalty thing with Sonjo again, because you remember last time?

Daiki: We're not sure who will be the Yūjō king, and queen this year, but the emperor said who ever receives a message from the mayor is requested into that job. Narrator: Suddenly a knock from the door caught the families attention, so Hanako got up from her chair and went to answer it, and see who could be there.

Narrator: After opening the door, Hanako noticed that the mail deliverer arrived. Hanako: Mēru tantōsha, kon'nichiwa. (Mail person, hello.) Meru: Ohayōgozaimasu, Hanako-Chan. So far, I have three letters for you, and a package from the mayor that goes with one of the letters. Have a good day. Narrator: After receiving the mail from the deliverer, Hanako went back inside, and placed the mail on the table. Daiki: Ah, the mails here. Excellent work with bringing it in, young one. Now let's see.

Narrator: Daiki pulled the mail towards him, and picked up the letters before opening the package. Daiki: Let's see, my monthly generals payment in 5,000 yen, a message from the upper kingdom shogun's, and oh dear. Young one, I'm afraid I have bad information for you. It appears you are chosen to be the Yūjō queen this year. Hanako: Nani? (What?) Yuri: Oh Hanako-Chan, I'm so proud of you. Hanako: Why is everyone in Itsuki Village requesting me to be the ruler of these festivals? I'm not even the prettiest girl in Japan. Daiki: Young one, it takes more than just looks to be a ruler. For one the only reason they chose you is because you are obedient, and have a stronger charisma than all of the teenager girls in Japan. You've had it all the time growing up.

Hanako: Dōshite futsūnoseikatsu ga dekinai no? (Why can't I have a normal life?) Daiki: Don't act like that, young one. Your mother, and I went through the same festival things when we were you age. Basically we have the same amount of charisma as you, only we protect intruders from evil. Narrator: Yuri opened the package, and noticed that inside was the Yūjō queen kimono dress, and flower tiara. Yuri: Ah, Hanako-Chan even your costume reminds me of the time I was asked to be the Yūjō queen when I was little. Narrator: Hanako blushed, and lowered her head in embarrassment after noticing what she's going to wear.


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