If it's to be, it's up to me.

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I can only imagine the pain and sorrow someone can be feeling when they think of killing themselves, or to just actually do it instead of thinking it.

I can also imagine the feeling the son or daughter mother or father must be feeling. Or any family member for that matter. The shock they go trough. The disbelief, disappointment, disagreement with reality.

The story is tragic for both sides. The desperation that this person must have been trough to lose faith and hope. To lose selflove and sense of selfworth.

In many occacions I found myself hating humanity and to realize I just hate myself at that moment. To get myself in a situation that for many seems like theres no happy ending or ending at all.

Oh yes many times i have been there at rock botom, sitting, blown away with the results of a pile of choices that led to that moment where I wonder how i got here in the first place. Why didn't I see this coming?

Well if it is of any use. Thinking in terms of regret at that moment doesn't bring a solution anyways so I tend not to think that way. Instead I get help from logic.

You see, Mr. Logic has logic. He asks usefull questions that can lead to light. Like;" Do you know when was the last time you screwed up? Are you still in the same predicament? How long did it take to go away? How long did it last? How much did you suffer? Did your life turned out better off eventhough that predicament took place?

Did you become better aware? How did it changed you? Do you think you can do beter now? How did you feel when it was over? What do you think about it now?"

I ask all these questions because it makes me feel better. Talking to MR. Logic calms me down and sets my navigation on solutions, peace, love, faith and power.

We are here to mess up. And we will do a lot of it. But if we put trough and are honest, there is nothing that will kill us but ourselves.

Now, to be weak and not hold on is not recommended because you will be taking irriversable or regretable actions. Ofcourse no one killed themselves and came back to say they regret dying. But it is lame to quit.

If you love yourself you wont even think of hurting yourself. To think that you must be pretty upset allready so why hurt yourself some more?

Instead ask Mr. Logic for help and if you don't get an answer just wait. You couldn't be so evil that good cannot come to you.

I love you.

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