Going crazy inside relaxed outside

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It was the day my grandfather died. I didn't know why I was trying to think.

Think of anything. Most people just assume I have a grandpa. He was not famous. I knew 2 grandpas', they are gone.

How do I feel about cremation?

It's Awful! Why Are those people going to hell?

Did they return to God?

Is it like the movies show it is?

So now are you in peace or are you going out of your mind?

Maybe you got to take care more of yourself.

Everyday rituals to keep me fresh and young.

To keep me glowing,

Because that's how I feel when I take care of myself and spend time alone in a room.


Energy to do things. More of what the universe asks for you.

Is it a sin? To believe in Energy, Spirit, Love, Sex, Power, Happiness, Music, Art, Science, The eye, ("What eye?") Books, Movies, Nature, Universe,

What does psychology have to do with it?



What do we know about God?

Merciful, benevolent, warm, bright, healer,  

I had a dream one night, but it was crazy. I was sitting in the Universe with someone I felt like a friend,

I believe in me, I ask myself questions to get to know me. They say as within so without. They try to get to know you so they can respond to you, You have been put there to guide me to my destiny or to led mi astray, you are me and I am you so that everything is connected and have immense power, as soon as you stop believing in god that power will fade, it will be kept out by the darkness inside of you.

So you may decide for yourself if you choose you or God.

It's one, if you keep you and your environment clean, it will come to live inside of you. If you don't something will be living inside of you all right.

Be a friend, be a part of the community.

Just take the time to talk to someone of your experiences.

You might brighten their day or they might brighten yours.

Usually we walk by not knowing how our faces look like, it doesn't say always nice.

Is that teachable? Face-ology? What's the Latin name for face?

So, what about trust? How do you trust any action to be correct? Is it thought trough?

Like to start writing. I just started. Everything flashes in my head. I have met all kinds of people. And I have touched them.

Have I done enough?

What about those that I have not touched in a positive way?

Are they the same ones that I get back as challenges?

What does it have to do with my face? Isn't it about intentions? Intention?

What does that mean? what is it ? Is it something you can feel?

How do you feel?

Can you feel your soft hands?

Fear? Who do you fear?

Should, I fear?

Of what?

Must I fear because of your fear?

What if I never fear?

What you focus on grows.

I can't live in fear. If it grows what would I have? Fear exponential.

I have explored with all sorts of feelings.

The feeling of lost had more impact.

That's when I wanted to find myself again.

Is what I see in the mirror me? What color is my eyes? How soft looks like on my skin. Where are all the hairy spots? what does a smile looks and feels like at the same time ?

So, what do I do with all this information?

It is also 8:34 in the morning and its dark. The darkest day I have ever seen.

I woke up at 7:07. It's Sunday.

I am Khadija Andrews

I am 31, mother of 3 kids, a 13-yr. old, a 11 yr. old, a 9 yr. old.

I hope for many blessings for and from my kids.

With blessings comes pressure.

How do you handle pressure?

My grandpa doesn't exist anymore.

He died yesterday... 05 January 2019 in the morning.

Was a weird phone call, I was working.

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