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"What??! that's suicide and dangerous for me and you?!?!" Kokichi was surprised that Shuichi should even bring such a plan to reality "well what else to we do??" Shuichi asked "like go through vents or something," Kokichi said, "not possible the vents here are very small besides we would make way too much noise and what happens if we fell through it??" Shuichi asked, "do we seriously have no other option??"Shuichi asked shaken up "I am afraid that we dont.. but don't worry everything is gonna be fine!!" I said couraging Kokichi "o-okay i trust you now can you repeat the plan with more details?" Kokichi asked smiling shily 

"oh yeah sure Uhm well i go out the classroom quietly and go to the left side and grab everyone's (zombies attention) attention in the right side and quickly run to the nearest classroom while the creatures attention is on me you run and grab our weapons and go call for help" i explain to him he simply nods and stands up so did i "okay you ready Shuichi? there is no turning back.." Kokichi asked worriedly "yes.. i am ready!" i walked up to the door looking at Kokichi and opened the door...

my heart was going crazy in my chest i peeked out seeing all the monsters near a body eating it i gulped and walked out slowly Kokichi looking at me worriedly i smiled and walked and made a huge thump noise so i would grab their attention i did ad ran almost slipping but didnt i ran and found a door and hopped myself into it only do be greeted with more zombies i ran out and ran to the other one which was an empty bloody classroom no soul to be found i ran inside it and closed the door...

now i was sitting there thinking about kokichi feeling extremely worn out so i rested my head on the table  closing my eyes hoping that kokichi was okay and falling asleep 

"hey what are you doing here" i was woken up by Kaito "where is kokichi is he here??.. we seriously got so scared with you guys being lost all night" i was extremly confused and my eyes still getting used to the sunlight "oh kaito.. good morning..." i yawned and sat up "what do you mean good morning?! kokichi is lost!"and at that moment the realization of our sitation hit me and i shot up fast "what where is kokichi i thought he was supposed to bring help did he not?" i started panicking "no man i thought you guys were together but dont worry i am sure hes okay" 

at that point i was really stressed out and panicked "i- i am gonna find him" i pushed kaito out of the way and ran out many zomies were on the ground kaito and others really did a good job but theres still more i ran do the right side to go look if the weapons were still there no they werent so kokichi must have gone trought here i saw some other group of survivors i ran to them complitely out of breath

"h-hello have you seen a darked hair short boy with purple eyes" i asked social anxiety taking over "huh? oh  are you talking about Kokichi the short boy??" rantaro asked worriedly at that point i was confused that how does he know about Kokichi.."is he lost again?" He asked having a sad smile plasterd to his face while he was going inside the classroom what was near us i following him "huh?" I was confused "yeah well hes the type to get lost very easily when hes really determined to find smth or do something important" he told me i sat down akwardly he taking a chair from other table and turning it around for himself "but dont worry i am sure hes fine" he saied "o-oh okay u-uhm how do you know kokichi" i asked looking down playing with my fingers "oh well i am glad you asked kokichi and i are childhood friends and we have been hanging around alot together so i know him well so dont worry ur friend is fine i promise" he said encouraging me but to be honest i feel pretty sad about the word friend i dint know who tho.

I looked down cleacrly sad "hey you okay??" He asked "y-yeah i am fine i better go now.. thank you for everything" i said as i noticed our weapons on the corner of the room while i was getting up i looked back suprised he looking at me questionally so i ignored it thinking it was just similar and out of the classroom being greeted by zombies doing their thing or walking around 《better be quiet》 i thought i quietly walked past them but stepped on a hand.. what made an horrible blood sound squishing out sound i looked down scared and really disturbed almost puking but for my goodness the zombies didnt notice and kept on doing their thing i quickly but quietly ran upstairs.. i walked towards the door amd slowly opened the door to my classroom being greeted by concerned and questinable faces and new faces "o-oh hi guys.." i quickly stepped in and clieed the door behind me "so did you find kokichi or anything" Kaede asked concerned i simply shaked my head feeling tired so i dat down and rested my back on the wall "but i did found something suspicious" i said starting to think "oh what did you find suspicious??" Kaede once again asked "its probably just a coincidence but... our weapons what we bringed with us and what we accitentally dropped it while escaping from zombies.." i said still thinking "who? Where did you see them??" Maki asked looking suspicious and mad

"Well i saw them witha person named Rantaro.."





"S-suichi??" I looked around stuck in a chair my arms and legs being tied together in a dark room "s-somebody??" I started feeling scared..

"Hello kokichi.."

Okay thats all for now byeee hope you enjoyed :))
(Oh and i am extremely sorry idlf there are some word/spelling/grammar mistakes TTwTT)

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