the creature

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Shuichi's POV:

"Uh, I-" I looked at Kokichi and then back at Tsumugi "Can I talk to Kokichi for a second?" I asked "yeah sure Lil' Cousin go ahead we will be waiting," Tsumugi said cheerfully

I helped Kokichi up and helped him to go to the corner of the room where they stared at is but didn't hear what we were saying I sat him on the food table chair what we made together "u-uh Kokichi.." I said awkwardly and worriedly "I was wo-" but before I finished my question I was interrupted with Kokichi "you want me to come with you guys right?" Kokichi asked "y-yeah" I said shily *Kokichi thought for a second and then looked at me seriously "Shuichi... I saw smth outside yesterday.." Kokichi said determined I didn't say anything and sat down next to him looking at him "i-it was it was smth big smth scary..." Kokichi said teary-eyed "i-i don't remember what it really looked like my memories blurry but I don't think it's safe outside there Shuichi" Kokichi looked terrified * I didn't know what to say I was just looking at him should I really go?? Is it really a good idea??* "Kokichi ate you sure there was smth there??" I asked "i-i don't know" Kokichi grabbed his head".. "why is this happening Shuichi??" ".. why??" Kokichi once again asked "I don't know but I know we are
Going to get through it so its gonna be okay!" I said happily *Kokichi didn't look too sure but nodded anyway and wiped off his tears* "yeah.. so are we gonna g-"

I was once again interrupted by smth loud, the sound coming from the window and it broke the window "all the girls screamed and when we looked at the others I saw my classmate Naia being held by some type of big juicy looking tongue * I was terrified I looked at Naia whose face was blue them pink then green and so on trying to escape the grip *w-was that the thing Kokichi was talking about* I then saw ahead with no eyes come up to the window and he started to grip on Naia really hard until she went to two types of pieces the underbody falling to the ground, I was so terrified I couldn't make a sound what if I would have been there would I have been taken or Kokichi would have been the victim?* my thoughts were interrupted by the creature starting to but it into his mouth swallowing her "K-Kokichi..." I said terrified "yeah" he said back terrified still eyeing the creature "I think it's somehow looking our direction.." I said shocked not able to think correctly "yeah.." he said back not proceeding what was happening

Next moment the tongue came our way "OH MY SHIT WHAT THE F*CK RUN" some girl from outside the class said pointing that way to run with her" * I took Kokichis hand running like crazy out of the classroom following the girl with blonde hair I looked back and saw the tongue in 2 divided way as legs and his body up I instantly took Kokichi to my arms and princess carried and run as fast as possible idk for how long I ran but we arrived at some dark place dead tired, she and I caught our breath and when we were done she screamed "HOLY F*CKING D*CK WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT SHIT" I but kokichi down "I have no idea" I said

Kokichi terrifyingly looked down "i-it was the same thing I saw it was looking at me right back last night hanging onto the wall but further away" he said terrified "i-it was so scary i-i just wanted to escape it like had eyes but it didn't and then I fell and hurt my head really badly and became dizzy and forgot about it I am sorry.." he told us * I didn't know what to say if I wouldn't have chosen to talk to Kokichi I would be dead..* I thought to myself "oh well at least you virgins are alright man thank me for f*ck sake" the girl said "who are you anyway" I asked curios "oh I am glad you asked I am the gorgeous girl Miu Iruma with a big brain and tits" she said ahead of herself looking proud. "O-oh i-i see thank you" I said shily "yeah no problem.. anyways what are we gonna do now" she asked butting her arm on her hip * I looked at Kokichi who looked back at me* "m-maybe we wait??" I asked "k" she took out her phone but then noticed her battery was dead and threw her phone to the ground angrily and scram "SHIT I won't be able to f*cking be on my phone" she said angrily clearly annoyed "well whatever she said and went to the corner of the room sitting down and crossing her arms angrily.

We both looked at each other with Kokichi confused then the next couple of hours we just sat there thinking I wanted to say smth but I had nothing to say we were just there in the darkroom doing nothing it felt like hours "w-what are we gonna do" Kokichi was first to say smth "uh Idk maybe uh jus-"I was interrupted once again this time by Miu "HOLY SHIT GUYS we can try going through these things "Miu said pointing at the vents me and I then walked to where Miu was standing right next to her and looked at the vent what was up there it was big enough us to fit in "i-i mean we can try??" I said "Mhm" Kokichi agreed "but how are we going to get up there??" I asked "hey guys maybe we can just look outside... maybe that thing is gone.." Kokichi said "no way I am going back there that thing can just sit there and wait for a whole day maybe, I ain't gonna risk it" Miu said Kokichi looking disappointed in himself "anyways wich one of you virgins wanna help me up there??" Miu said

Kokichi and Miu both looked at me at the same time and I was just blushing getting embarrassed "hey my panties are clean" she said annoyed "o-okay" I said I took her onto my back regretting it instantly she was really heavy but we manage to get her up there anyways "Kokichi??" I looked at him he blushing instantly and nodded I took him to my shoulders like I took Miu but he was much lighter so it was easier and we got him up I then looked up and looked at Miu and Kokichi both on their own side looking at me "I will just use the boxes..." I said "ugh omg stop being such a baby I will help you up just take my hand she reached her arm I looked at her shocked "what are you staring? at my tits?? Just come already you can look at them later" she looked annoyed once again "N-no I no I was just thinking that are you sure??" I said panicking "just take my hand.." she said and I took it she looked to be struggling a lot so I tried to reach the vent and I got it and lifted myself up with the help of my arms and her "damn you really are heavy I thought you were light " she laughed * I looked disappointed* "let's just go." I said. We went the direction where the vent leaded us *i wonder what are everyone else doing rn* i looked back at Kokichi who seemed to be in pain probably from his injuries he noticed and i quickly looked away "yo look the girls bathroom i really need to pee" Miu suddently said i blushed hard and nodded so we went there Miu jumped down then i and then i helped Kokichi down into my arms both of us blushing "hahaa you guys a pair or some shit" she laughed i blushed even harder and we just akwardly stood there "Anyways i will go empty my self you can go do your thingies too" she said and left to one of the stalls Kokichi looked at me and said "i-i have to go too" Kokichi said blushing and left also *uhh i guess i will just go too* i thinked to myself and entered one of the stalls and got out when i was done Kokichi and Miu still inside then both Miu and Kokichi came out right at the same time "woohoo man i feel soooo much better" Miu said happily Kokichi just smiled shily "lets just go.." i said and we left the girls bathroom it was empty outside suprisingly "w-what do we do now" Kokichi asked "gotta hand it to you kid even i am not sure" Miu said

They both suddenly looked at me like I would know where do go "u-uh" * I looked around me and realized the place where we are "Ah!" I made a sudden voice "H-huh what is it" Miu suddenly got startled by my action
"O-oh no its nothing I just remembered the library is somewhere around here we can find smth in there maybe??" I said "Well what are we still standing around then let's go peeps haha" Miu laughed

*Some walking later--

"Look we made it" Kokichi smiled happily as he said but when we walked inside there was smth else there were zombies countless amounts "u-uh" I uh'd "nvm I am sorry" I said disappointed "don't apologize we will think of smth don't worry" Kokichi smiled sadly and patted my shoulder "yeah it's not like some books can help us anyway" Miu said "yeah ur right.." I said

We then were just standing there thinking "what about the nurses' office" Kokichi suddenly said "yeah that's a good idea" I said "how are we gonna get there tho?" Miu asked "idk by the stairs?" I said "yeah when the stairs are wiped out and zombieless then sure" Miu said back to me "should have taken some kind of weapon in the darkroom I think there was plenty" Kokichi said "well no time for regrets now it would have been hard to bring them through the vents anyway :T" Miu said as she crossed her arms "lets just go.." I said "y-yeah" Kokichi said back

And we started walking the stair direction to walk downstairs.

Okay, I am gonna end the chapter here byee! :))

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