Chapter 14: The Flames Strike, part 1

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High atop the castle's battlements, Isaac sits in silence. Welcoming the sun's warm rays touch his face as he unfolds a red cloth and releases Godbrand's ashes into the wind. From down below, Carmilla contacts her forces through a magic mirror. "Assemble at Braila. Await the word. My work here is almost done." She tells them as she crosses her arms. "Nothing here but lost children and confused old men. The end of this will be practically merciful." Then a knock at her door draws her attention, Carmilla quickly puts away her magic mirror in a case and goes to answer her door, revealing one of the Vampire generals. He has been searching for Godbrand for some time but he shook his head, showing that he has had no luck.

"Really? How hard can it be to find Godbrand of all people? There has to be a limited number of things in this castle that he can drink, sleep under or attempt to have sex with. He must be somewhere." Carmilla says as she believes that it would be impossible for Godbrand to go unnoticed in the castle.

*Meanwhile at the Belmont's trove*

Trevor and Sypha were now wide awake and went back to searching the library. With the expectation of Miri who had been up the longest so she was still asleep. Alucard stood nearby, keeping an eye on her while continuing to search. Soon enough Miri's eyes fluttered open and she woke up with a soft yawn. She rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes as she heard. "Good to see that you've awoken." Miri looked up and saw Alucard smiling at her. Miri smiled back but it faded when she noticed that he wasn't wearing his jacket, and instead was covering her form, and realised that she broken her promise and fallen asleep.

She quickly stood and dusted his jacket, looking extremely apologetic. "I am so sorry. I was supposed to keep you company but instead, I had allowed myself to fall into slumber." She said as she gave a humble bow. Alucard chuckled at her and put a book away, walking over to her. He patted her head and said, "Nonsense. You were wonderful last night, there's no need to apologise." Miri looked up at him and a pink blush decorated her cheeks. She unconsciously held his jacket close to her as she said, ", thank you. Here's your coat. Thank you for covering me with it." Alucard nodded and was about to take it when suddenly they heard, "What the hell?"

They both turned and saw Trevor standing just across from them with a startled expression before he stomped his way over to them. "Sir Belmont, hello. Were you able to have a peaceful slumber?" Miri kindly asked him before noticing the look of irritation on his face. Alucard took his jacket back just as Trevor grabbed Miri's shoulder and pushed her behind him. "You. What do you mean she was wonderful last night? What did you do to her?" Trevor asked in a threatening tone as he glared daggers at him.

"Sir Belmont?" Miri stared at her friend with much confusion as Alucard was unfazed by his sudden hostility and put on his jacket. "Honestly, you're making a fuss out of nothing. I did nothing to her except offer my coat to keep her warm while she slept." Alucard told him. Trevor glare sharped and he let out a low growl. Miri looked in between the two men with fear in her eyes, worried that they were going to enter another fight, she placed a hand on Trevor's arm and said, "Sir Belmont, please. I do not know why you are suddenly so hostile towards Sir Alucard, but I can assure you he was a gentleman towards me."

Trevor looked down at the younger girl, staring into her innocent face before giving one last glare at Alucard's way. He took her hand and lead her away from him. While Miri was questioning what Trevor was doing, all Alucard could do was let out a sigh and turn his attention back to the bookshelf in from of him. Though, he did catch the scent of fresh roses and rain once in a while coming from his coat.

Trevor lead Miri to another section of the library when he stopped and turned to face her. Miri looked at Trevor and saw that his eyes held a look of worry and anger. "Sir Belmont-?" "Miri, what exactly did Alucard mean you were wonderful? What did he do to you?" Trevor interrupted her, placing his hands on her shoulders. He was such an idiot, when he fell asleep he'd forgotten that Alucard was the only one left awake, and Miri was alone with him. The young gipsy girl became confused and simply said, "Absolutely nothing. I wanted to help keep Alucard company by staying awake for as long as I can, but that promise quickly diminished. He was just happy I was there and thanked me."

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