Chapter 29: A Hidden Secret? The Infinite Corridor

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Selina giggled as she pulled Trevor along as they finally found their chief. Oh, this is perfect! Once Vano and Trevor meet, surly a strong bond of friendship will be created. She looked up at the Hunter and took noticed that he was looking at something else. "Odd? I've seen that mark twice in one day." Trevor says, joining the three, walking over as he held Selina's hand. Sypha smiles at him and introduces him to Saint Germain. "Ah, I like you to meet my new friend. The Count Saint-Germain. Vano is already acquainted with him."

Trevor looked over and narrowed his eyes at the aristocrat magician. "We've met." He said with some bitterness. Saint-Germain didn't take offence to this and continued to be polite towards the young Belmont. "Yes, I should apologise to you too, I was simply trying to find out if you were here for the same reason I was. Given the nature of your family business and all." Saint-Germain tells him.

"And what reason is that?" Trevor asked.

"It's...personal." Saint-Germain says with slight hesitation.

"I need a drink. Do you need a drink, Saint-Germain?" Trevor suddenly asks him.

"I do not." Saint-Germain said as he turned to take his leave when Trevor lets go of Selina's hand grabs the magician roughly by the shoulder. "Yes, you do. Let's all go to the tavern and have a quiet little chat." Trevor says with a harsh tone. Vano sharpened his gaze as he places Duke back on the ground. Sensing hostility in the air, the twins try to mediate the situation. "Lord Belmont, wait a moment," Selina said.

"If Lord Saint-Germain doesn't wish to partake in refresh himself than-."

"Stay out of this, you two." Trevor tells them, not taking his eyes off of the magician. "I prefer something more private." Saint-Germain said. "There won't be any monks at the tavern and it's just public enough to stop me slitting your throat or Sypha, setting you on fire." Trevor says, shocking the twins.

"What?! Lord Belmont-!" The twins cried out in surprised as they were quickly silenced when Vano stepped forward and gripped Trevor's wrist, forcing it off Saint-Germain's shoulder. Vano applied much force into his grip that was very close in breaking Trevor's bones. As he let out a grunt of pain, Sypha stepped in to stop him but immediately froze when she felt something chilling go through her body. Her eyes trailed down and let out a broken breath as she sees a black, transparent blade piercing through her torso. The Speaker and Hunter stared up at the Chief of the Gipsies in shock as he spoke up.

"I do not care if you are a Belmont. I do not care you or Madam Belnades don't truly mean harm to people... I will not tolerate any threats made to a friend of my clan, so approach your words and actions carefully. Or else you'll both succumb to my wrath." Vano said as he lets go of Trevor and pulls back the blade, vanishing from sight. Sypha quickly checked herself and discovered that there were no visible wounds. Saint-Germain was even more shocked as they were. Although, Duke and Selina stared up at their leader with sympathetic expressions. The white-haired man placed a hand on Saint-Germain's back and motion for the others to follow them to the town's tavern.

Trevor held his wrist as he watches them leave. "Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell kind of man is he?" He said as he tried to soothe his sore wrist. Selina walked over and placed her hands on his wrist. "We deeply apologise for what happened. But do not think anything less of's not his fault." Selina tells him. Duke went over to hold Sypha's hand and looked at them with a sincere apologetic expression. "Please, forgive our Chief. The night of the attack has left him with a somewhat hardened heart. He's hurting inside." Duke says.

"Maybe...but that look in his eyes told me that one misstep, he's gonna kill me. In several different ways." Trevor says as he looks back at the hulking man.

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