The Sea

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6 Years Later

Sweeney opened his eyes and was met instantly by a dark room. Something was laid on his chest and he looked down to see his six year old Henry curled up against him along with a book that lay open. He smiled remembering what had happened the night before. Henry had refused to go to bed without a story and after a half hour of his begging Sweeney and Eleanore had given in.

Luckily for Johanna, Collin, and Toby, who were visiting for Sweeneys birthday, they had already been asleep and hadn't needed to deal with the boys whining. It was October 26th Sweeneys birthday though he found no enjoyment in the thought. He'd never liked the idea of growing older. The idea that one day he'd lose this perfect life he's worked so hard to gain. On the other hand he was happy his family had come.

He began shuffling to a place in which he could stand but found himself stuck. Eleanore leaned against his shoulder and Henry was practically on top of him. Sweeney frowned in the direction of William. The young boy still hadn't fully gotten over James' death and since he'd been taken to the cabin he rarely spoke. Now there was no doubt William was rather fond of Sweeney as he spent half of his life with the man, but it didn't stop his grief.

Sweeney hoped that a day at the beach would help William, make his say a bit more enjoyable.

"Mornin' love." Eleanores voice made Sweeney jump slightly in surprise.

"Morning." He responded, finally having the ability to move, "I suppose its time we all get up."


The day was surprising warm for autumn, though Sweeney and Eleanore still kept their distance from the water. Henry and William sat in the sand together building messy towers. Collin and Johanna were working on their own tower, one the boys were quite obviously jealous of. Toby was the only one in the water anymore.

"Daddy!" Henry suddenly called out, scurrying towards his father.

"Yes?" He asked, opening only one eye.

"Will you come swimmin with us, please?"

Sweeney sat up, "I'm in my clothes buddy."

"Please?" Henry continued to beg, giving Sweeney a pleading look he had no idea how to say no to.

"Fine," he sighed, "But only if your mother goes too." He smirked, looking down are a very surprised Eleanore.

"Don't drag me into this!" She hissed in annoyance.

"I won't drag you." He hesitated, "I'll carry you."

The second the words escaped his mouth he was on his feet and Nellie was off the ground. Sweeney's smirk grew as he approached the water hearing the loud laughter around him. As he threw both himself and Nellie into the waves Henry and William ran in after them.

"Well I didn't drag you." He chuckled when she turned to glare at him, "And besides it made the boys happy." lowering his voice so that only Nellie could hear him he continued, "I'll make it up to you tonight."

Nellie allowed a small smile to show on her face knowing exactly his intent, "God ya really are a bastard." She giggled.

"Why thank you," he purred, "I couldn't agree more."

Their lips met for a short moment before he turned to place Henry on his shoulders. "You better apologize to your mother. She's not happy."

Henry giggled, "Sorry momma."

"Don't worry dear, its yer father who needs to apologize."

"Hear that daddy? I'm safe, you better say sorry!" Henry said, a proud smile across his face.

"Oh I will."


"Goodnight Henry, night William." Eleanore whispered placing a kiss on each of their foreheads. "See ya in the mornin"

She made her way out of the room, shutting the door behind her just barely hearing their tired responses. She opened the door to her room and was pulled by the arm gently into the room, the door immediately slamming shut.

"Sweeney!" She cried out in surprise.

"Shhhhhh." She could feel his finger against her lips, "Don't want to draw any attention to ourselves now do we?"

She could see the dirty glint in his eyes and smirked. Sweeneys inner beast had returned. His lips pressed against hers roughly as they stumbled to the bed.

"I said I'd make it up to you," He cooed in her ear sending shivers down her spine, "And I intend to."

A/N: Well, finally its over. I have more stories to come so look out for those but I'm going to take a break for a while. This story has definitely taken a lot of time and energy but I'll be back soon. Thank you so much for reading, you have no idea how nice it is for people to enjoy something that I write ❤❤❤

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