3. Sunshine

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4 hours had passed and Donghyuck was finally back in the neatly built apartment building he lived in. Making his way up to the 14th floor, he witnessed the sight of an asleep man getting robbed, to which the robber ran off at the sight of Donghyuck. 

A sense of strange nostalgia filled him as he looked at the person who just got robbed of all his belongings. 

That's the boy from earlier...

Haechan tilted his head, approaching the other and tapping his shoulder, waking him up.

"Hey. You okay?"


Mark grumbled, looking up at the familiar stranger.

Guess I fell asleep.

He nodded, yawning. Then, he felt for the bag of goods next to him. Nothing.

The male also felt for his wallet, becoming more and more panicked. That wasn't there, either.

"And, I was robbed, too..." He whispered, putting his head down. $300 dollars (and his credit card), completely gone.

Lifting his head up again, he made eye contact with the other, giving a solemn look. Mark's glasses were indefinitely crooked. His skin was covered with cuts, bruises, and every other imaginable thing.

Yet, the man in front of him looked exactly the opposite.

His skin seemed to glow. There wasn't a cut or bruise to be seen. He was spotless. 

"I'm...really sorry to hear that. You're free to stay at my place for a while. I wouldn't mind." The other spoke, his voice colorful and cheerful. "I'm Donghyuck, but my friends call me Haechan."

'Haechan' held out a hand to help Mark up, he grabbed it and hoisted himself up. That sense of familiarity filled him up again. It felt warm and comforting to him. He wondered if Mark felt it, too.

"I'm Mark."


Haechan unlocked the barn red door of his apartment, the smell of nutmeg and sugar giving this place a homey feeling. The key was tossed into a glass bowl as he entered. Mark followed behind, closing the door.

"Hey, uh...do you...um...have any paper?" Mark dragged. Haechan nodded and handed him a small, green notebook that had a pen neatly tucked into the coil. 

The luckiest boy watched as the unluckiest boy scribbled almost unreadable words onto the paper.

-tripped down the stairs

-broke glasses

-almost got hit by a car, again.

-got locked out

-got robbed

Mark checked his hands, sighing and adding something to the list.

4 papercuts.

"Thanks..." He shyly whispered, handing the pen back.

"No problem! Hey, what's that for?!" Haechan bounced, staring at the words Mark wrote.

"Oh..um..it's uhhh..just a list I keep...of...uh...incidents..yeah.."

"Incidents? What kind? Are you a doctor?!" 

"No...I-um...I don't know how to describe it..." Mark gripped onto the paper he ripped off from the notebook, looking around the room.

"It's okay! Want some tea?! Or coffee? You seem like a coffee person!"

"Oh..um..no hot drinks, please...Could I...uh...have some water, though?" The broken mirror nervously bit the inside of his cheek. 

"Sure, no problem!!" Haechan smiled, skipping into the kitchen and grabbing an empty glass, then filling it up with tap water. "Make yourself at home!"

The other nodded. He shuffled his way over to that annoyingly green couch, sitting down.

Haechan then joined Mark, plopping down beside him and handing over the cup of water.

"Loosen up, I'm not gonna kill you" The sun laughed.

"Oh...um..right.." Mark relaxed, taking a slow sip of the water he was given.

"You're super unlucky, dude. I almost feel bad."

Mark gave him the type of stare that neither confirmed nor denied that statement, making Haechan shiver.

"And you're quite the opposite..." Mark grinned.

Haechan felt something click in his brain. He finally realized it. After all of these years.

He might be the luckiest man alive.

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