15. I

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     "It doesn't hurt as much, mom"

     "What doesn't hurt as much?"

     "The bruise."

     "How can you be so sure of that? You've been standing still for so long."


     "See. I told you, Mark. Now, your dinner is ready. Eat it before it gets cold."


     The small boy who was only around 7 years old sat at the dinner table eating his dinner. Careless, happy, and proud of himself. This boy wanted to be a musician when he grew up. He could already play the guitar pretty well. Now-

     "What do you mean he won't survive?"


     Mark jolted awake, letting out an audible scream. This was the dream he had every night, every time he fell asleep. Sleep didn't happen much for him; but when it did, it was absolute hell. He shivered, slowly reaching out of the comfort of his bed, sitting up and anxiously scratching his neck.

     Last night was eventful. Mark had gone on a "date" with Haechan. Along with many other things happening that day, he was pretty exhausted. Mark had counted at least 30 incidents that day. It scared him how low that was, but if he counted the one thing that wouldn't go away he would have 31. Then again, it would be cheating if he counted that. Minhyung stood up, heading into the bathroom to take a quick shower and maybe dye his hair (although that wasn't certain).

     The water was always extreme for him. Scorching hot, or ice cold. He always picked the latter. Another thing he couldn't change but wasn't huge.

     He didn't have any control in his life, not a single raindrop of hope. Nothing. His mind was just a beach without any water. Sand. A desert. Broken cities surrounded him, and broken tightropes hanging from the windows. Only one stood tall and proud, all the way above the clouds that held nothing at all. He looked up to that building. It always seemed to intimidate him. The boy was barely a grain of sand compared to it. That building - no - those two buildings, golden and exquisite, somehow reminded him of a great uncle. Old and wise, yet young and new.

     He wanted to stay in the shower forever. Let his madness sink in with no consequences. It sounded nice. Unfortunately, he didn't want to get all wrinkly, so the boy had to get out sooner or later.

     As he was stepping out of the shower, the realization shot him in the neck, making him stumble a bit. He hadn't given a single thought about it until now.

     "...I'm in love. Holy shit I'm in love."


     "Jaemin I don't know how to ask him out." Haechan panicked as he talked on the phone, pacing around the house.

     "This is a Jeno thing so I'll hand the phone over to him."
     "Hellow this is Jeno speaking! What was it you needed?"

     "I need dating advice. How do I ask a super awkward person out?" Donghyuck groaned, laying on his bed.

     "Oh you're talking about Mark!! Just go up to him and ask him out! That's really it!" Jeno smiled, giggling.

     "OH I HaVenT tHoUGhT oF tHat- bITCH I'm nervous"

     "That's the only advice I have. You just need to be confident about it."

     "HmmmM...okay...well confident is my middle name!! I'll do it on the weekend when I don't have work!"

     "Good luck! ( ◠‿◠ )"

     "Thanks, bye!" He hangs up, sighing.

     "Good god I'm whipped for this boy"

My sun, my starlight,
We have met yet again, dear.
Our wounds now mended.
The moon crying tears of joy,
As we paint the wall with love.

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