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Chapter 24

As I made my way through the crowded hallways, I held my books in place between my arms, my feet rushing their steps. I drew a deep breath, my shoes clacking against the concrete floors, making unnecessary sounds as it drowned in the background noises. The place was filled with Medicine students, trying to converse with each other. I heard some burst out in laughter, but somehow I couldn't feel the happiness it could have radiated. I was burned out, and all I could think was rest.

I wanted to stay at home and sleep for a lifetime.

These days I just felt so exhausted and sad with all the stress I'd been getting from school. I had so much to do especially when it would be exam week  in just a few days. I had been running around to submit some requirements before the first semester would close.

Sometimes I felt like sleeping on my readings and paperworks but I always found myself doing them anyway.

But unlike before, I was more careful with my meals. I made sure I ate on time. I couldn't afford to get sick now.

I thought of the days ahead and told myself this would be over soon. It shall pass... Just one more week and I'd be getting a break from school.

I climbed up the stairs to the faculty office, only to find out that Professor Bae was not there. I was told that he was in College of Engineering building for his morning class. I heard he also had an office there and he'd most likely to stay there until noon.

He was known to be a terror teacher and he never tolerated late submissions. The project was due today, exactly this morning, and I needed to pass it to him, or at least leave it on his table.

This is torture, I thought to myself. Gathering more patience, I came down and ignored Chanyeol who bumped into me, carrying his pile of folders. We just casually looked at each other before I strutted away and walked across the open field. I barely talked to my friends this week since we were all busy on our own and the teachers usually announced free-cut so that we could do other things instead of staying in classrooms, processing lectures and doing every requisite schoolworks at once.

When I entered the CE building, I looked straight and sauntered through the packed corridors. I didn't know anyone there and I had no idea where Prof Bae's office was.

Turning in the corner, a series of flashback flooded in my mind. This was where it happened, where he started to spill out everything.

I forced to push it out of my senses and glanced past the rooms. However, I made a mistake when my eyes landed on a particular area where a group of students sat together in a circular arrangement of chairs. They looked happy as if someone had cracked a joke. I quickly shifted my eyes and turned on my heels, biting the insides of my mouth.


Damn it. I needed to play it cool, it didn't have to end this way. So I turned around again to face the owner of that familiar voice. I saw him walking to me, a smile spreading across his face. I looked behind Jungkook and found out the others were looking at me, too. But Shin Mihyun stood out to me. There was a frown on her face, as if she didn't want me there. Mihyun might not say it, but she didn't like me. Only that I had no time to wonder why. I was sure I didn't do wrong to her.

"What brings you here? Looking for me?" He remarked a joke, but when I answered in a no-nonsense tone, he seemed embarrassed at his words.

DIAGNOSIS: LOVESICK ; jjk ✓Where stories live. Discover now