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The Amity faction was known for their kindness. People described them as happy, always harmonious and joyful. The Amity trusted and forgave easily, wanting the world to be peaceful at all times.

Not Annabella Beckett.

From a young age, Annabella knew she was different. She didn't belong in Amity. While they valued kindness and peace, Annabella valued bravery and chaos. She didn't forgive and forget easily. She held grudges, often making things harder than they should've been in the peaceful faction.

The first time she saw members from the Dauntless faction, she knew that that was where she was meant to be. She loved watching them, longing to be as free and brave as they were. She wasn't Amity and she was never going to be. 

Annabella was meant for Dauntless.


She raised an arm, swiping it across her forehead to wipe away the beads of sweat that had formed there. The hot evening sun was beating down on her, causing her dress to feel hotter than it normally did. She held her basket against her hip, narrowing her green eyes at her fellow faction members as they worked.

The Amity members moved slowly, their movements smooth and precise. A few of them examined the fruits they had picked carefully before placing them in baskets, while others popped them in without a second glance.

Annabella hummed as she watched them, picking a strawberry out of her own basket before popping it in her mouth. 

"Annabella." A chastising voice spoke behind her and the girl rolled her eyes.

She turned on her heel, clutching the basket with both hands now and smiled sweetly. "Yes mother?"

"What have I told you about eating the fruit before it's been washed?" Annabella's mom tsked at her daughter, poking her nose as she reached her. "It's not clean."

"Sorry mom." She nodded her head. "I won't do it again."

"You say that every time." Mrs. Beckett teased her with knowing eyes the same shade as her own. She placed her hand in Annabella's basket, winking at her as she grabbed her own strawberry and ate it. "Don't let anyone else see you do it."

Annabella grinned at her mother again, grabbing another berry. Her mother was one of the easiest people to get along with in Amity. While she was strict about most of their rules, she did allow her daughter her freedom when she could. Annabella appreciated it.

"Now." Her mom cleared her throat, nodding to the houses behind the fields. "Tomorrow is your aptitude test. Go get ready for bed so you're well rested."

"Yes ma'am." Annabella nodded, giving her mother her basket before turning towards her house. 

She was ready for her aptitude test. In just a couple of days, she would finally be able to leave Amity and join Dauntless. She had been waiting for this day since she was ten years old and it was finally here.

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