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Things were quiet for a few days after initiation ended. Well, not quiet maybe, but things had settled down. There was no more early morning training sessions that they had to attend, so most of the former initiates spent their time finding new things to do around the faction.

Today, however, was the day they were supposed to be picking jobs. Eric had told her of the opportunities Dauntless had before though she wasn't quite sure what she should pick.

She had finished fourth in her class, one spot above Peter. While she was nervous about finishing before Peter, she knew that he couldn't do anything to her now. Initiation was over and he wouldn't gain a thing from hurting her.

Christina and Will had already been called up but Ana hadn't been able to ask what job they'd chosen. Excitement traveled through her veins, almost letting her forget of the chip she'd been injected with.

She hadn't had a chance to speak with Eric yet, but she hoped she would be able to soon. Jeanine had been seen a few times around the faction, standing on the balcony with the leaders to watch over the Dauntless members.

She made Ana nervous.

"What job do you think you'll take?" Tris asked from beside Ana. Both of them were waiting to be called in by Max.

"I'm not sure." Ana shrugged, taking a breath to settle her jumpiness. "What about you?"

"I don't even know what there is to do, really." Tris shook her head, chewing on her bottom lip. "I just hope I don't get boring choices."

"Oh please. You finished first in our class." Ana scoffed, nudging Tris' shoulder. "Besides, is anything in this faction ever boring?"

Tris laughed with Ana, nodding her head in agreement. They hadn't had a boring day since they arrived in Dauntless - there was always something going on, whether it was good or bad.

The laughter died down between them and Ana watched as Tris fiddled with her hands. She could tell the former Abnegation wanted to say something and waited patiently.

"I didn't know that you saw Al attack me." Tris' voice was quiet, almost hesitant and Ana sighed.

"Yeah... I was about to help you but then Four showed up." She told her, her mind replaying the events of that night. Ana shook her head, blonde hair falling in front of her face. "I couldn't believe it was Al."

"I know." Tris answered. Silence fell once again and Ana's heart clenched in her chest as she reached forward to squeeze Tris' hand. Tris squeezed back, shooting her friend a tight-lipped smile.

The sound of a door opening had both girls looking up to see a sneering Peter storming away. Ana snickered. "I wonder what his problem is?"

Tris didn't have the time to answer before Max appeared with his arms crossed over his chest and a serious expression on his face. "You're up, Ana."

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