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An agonizing scream broke through the compound. Ana jolted awake, looking around to see what was happening. Beside her, Tris rose as well, rubbing her eyes. The two shared a look as another scream pierced the air. 

"Go find someone." Ana hissed, pushing herself out of bed as she did. By now, more people were awake, each curious as to what was going on. Ana made her way through the room towards the sound.

Bile built in her throat at what she saw.

Edward, the top initiate, was lying on his bed, covering his left eye with his hands. His face was scrunched in agony and Ana leaned in to take a closer look. Blood covered his hands and sheets, causing Ana to take a breath. 

"Edward." She said, softly. "It's okay."

He opened his right eye as sobs left his lips. Ana gently raised her hand to his other eye. "Can I see?"

She fought back a gag when Edward removed his hand. His eye was gone - someone had stabbed him. Ana took a deep breath, shooting him a reassuring smile before she placed a hand on his. "It'll be okay. Tris went to get help."

The boy continued to cry and Ana's heart ached for him. She looked around the room, eyes roaming through the crowd to see if anyone looked suspicious. Most people looked shocked, some disgusted, and she saw one girl leave the room, looking sick.

Edward's hand wrapped around Ana's as another sob broke through him. "It's okay. You're going to be fine."

Someone crouched beside her and she looked to see Four and Max. Four nodded at her. "You can go, Ana. Thank you."

Ana squeezed Edward's hand one last time before she got up. She felt nauseous as she pushed through the crowd now - she needed air, needed to clear her mind of what happened. Someone had stabbed Edward. 

As she exited the compound, she ran into someone. Strong hands steadied her and she looked up to see Eric's stormy eyes. Ana let out a shaky breath. "I need air. Let go of me."

"Calm down." He whispered. He grabbed her hand, and began to pull her behind him as he walked . 

"Where are you taking me?" She felt sick, her mind was going too fast for her to keep up.

Eric didn't respond. He guided her down an unfamiliar hallway and out a set of doors. The two had to climb stairs before she finally realized where he was taking her. 

The night was cool, allowing a gentle breeze the caress Ana's face. She inhaled the air, thankful for Eric in that moment. As she opened her eyes again, she took in the stars and the moon that cast soft light onto the top of the building.

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