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Tris woke up a few hours later, surrounded by her four friends. Ana sat on the edge of the bed, opposite from Christina as they stared down at the girl. She blinked her eyes a few times, obviously unclear as to why she was in the hospital.

It was nearing the time that the initiates were supposed to leave for their so-called 'field trip.' The sun was beginning to dip in the sky and Ana knew they'd have to start moving soon. She just wished that things were different from Tris.

"How long have I been here?" Tris finally said, trying to sit up.

"Only a few hours." Christina answered. "You've missed dinner."

Tris's eyes roamed over each of her friends, frowning when she met Ana's eyes. "Why are you guys wearing vests?"

"War games." Will answered and Tris began to push herself up again, only to have Christina push her down gently.

"Where are you going?" She asked lightly.

"I'm coming." Tris answered, and the group all shared looks as they fell quiet. Tris looked between them. "What?"

"You can't." Ann told her quietly, causing Tris to narrow her eyes. "Eric says you're out."

Tris fell silent, obviously trying to process what Ana had just told her. Ana felt awful as Will talks to her friend, but he didn't seem to make the situation any better. The boy sighed as he stood. "Come on, we're going to miss our train."

Christina and Will said their goodbyes, leaving Ana to slowly walk behind them. She halted before she got too far, her mind working quickly. She spun on her heel to face Tris. "Come on."

"What?" Tris asked, pushing herself onto her elbows. 

"Come. On." She said slower, nodding her head to the exit. "Fuck Eric and the rest of Dauntless. You're not out based on how one fight went. You're coming."

Tris grinned widely as Ana moved to help her up from the bed. By the time the two were at the train tracks, the train was slowly beginning to move towards its destination. Ana ran ahead and jumped first, not hindered by any major injuries like Tris.

Ana leapt into the train, crashing into Christina as she did. The short girl looked at her with wide eyes as she helped steady her. "Where did you go?"

"I had to do something." Was all Ana said. She turned when she heard Eric's voice - he sounded annoyed, maybe slightly angered at something. She moved her way through the crowd, finding him and Tris facing one another.

"Who let you out?" He asked Tris, his voice low and eyes dark. 

"I did." Ana stepped forward, standing beside her friend as she locked eyes with the leader.

He raised a brow. "You did?"

She kept her gaze locked with his, green eyes staring into steel gray. He narrowed his at her, almost as if deciding what he wanted to do. He sighed deeply, making a face as he nodded and looked away. "Okay."

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